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Complete Kit Car December issue
Fozzie - 21/11/08 at 04:08 PM

As per title really, and just to say, I am going to lock myself in the cupboard under the stairs.... for a week or two......just to wait until the flak dies down of course.....

All communications should be addressed to:-

Somewhere- Under- The- Stairs

Thank you,
Fozzie... Triton, they have called your seats Titon

Thanks..... to DLT (Stu) who really did most of the speaking for me at the interview.....I would have been happier with photos of the car only.

and to Adam of CKC, what a top guy! delighted to have met you!


carpmart - 21/11/08 at 04:10 PM

TITon seats

Fozzie - 21/11/08 at 04:19 PM

Originally posted by carpmart
TITon seats

Trust you to see that carpy!


adithorp - 21/11/08 at 04:24 PM

Aren't we supposed to avoid duplicating threads?


Fozzie - 21/11/08 at 04:36 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Aren't we supposed to avoid duplicating threads?


only duplicates written by the same person, and word for word!

If you read Hughs thread, I had replied that as he was posting,I was still writing.

The usual reply to a coincidental post in a different section, about the same thing, is 'Keep up at the back', again, usually with a smiley

Fozzie (who is NOT hugh_ ! )

[Edited on 21-11-08 by Fozzie]

adithorp - 21/11/08 at 05:23 PM

I'd would have just posted 'Keep up at the back' for anybody else. I only thought that I should add a smiley after I'd hit "post".

It was intended to be ironic...sorry!


Fozzie - 21/11/08 at 05:43 PM

S'ok Adrian

Still don't see why you think that I can see what people are writing at the same time as me, in a different section, or see the front page for new threads whilst writing a new thread elsewhere.......but hey-ho!


Johneturbo - 21/11/08 at 06:33 PM

I thought you had "special" powers and knew what we were about to type before we'd thought it....
congrats on the getting the bus in the mag, i'll have to pop to wh smiths now

Fozzie - 21/11/08 at 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Johneturbo
I thought you had "special" powers and knew what we were about to type before we'd thought it....
congrats on the getting the bus in the mag, i'll have to pop to wh smiths now

re 'special powers' ...depends which head I have on at the time!

Thanks for the congrats, and there are some interesting features/ CKC 'work-shops' in there this month....worth getting for those!


McLannahan - 21/11/08 at 06:51 PM

Congrats Fozzie - nice reg. bracket! Your car looks like a spanker!

Good mag the CKC, I signed up for it at Stafford. Popped down to Exeter and was quite touched that the staff recalled me and I had a good old chat with them.

Good mag. and nice chaps, and congrats again Fozzie!

jambo - 21/11/08 at 08:07 PM

i was reading a post yesterday and was a little surprized to here of a member i have known on this board as fozzie to be of the female variety,this prompted me to be interested in the users photo gallery to see what type of car they had.
anyway i would just like to say what a cracking looking build i found there.
very nice car.

Fozzie - 21/11/08 at 08:34 PM

Thanks McLannahan

The car has been on the road for 4 years now (SVA'd in 2004) and still people don't see all, they look, but don't see ! (if you get my drift)

Adam certainly noticed more than most!

jambo, Thank you kindly!
most appreciated.....

It did take a lot for me to do that feature (4 years) but I am so glad I let CKC do it.


chrisg - 21/11/08 at 08:55 PM

Do I detect a little crush developing for a certain blonde lad?

Just kidding, congrats Fozie - the car looks great.



Fozzie - 21/11/08 at 09:03 PM

Originally posted by chrisg
Do I detect a little crush developing for a certain blonde lad?

Just kidding, congrats Fozie - the car looks great.



Thank you most kindly Chris

nah...'he' is safe... my DLT (Stu) knows....I am more of the 'tall dark and handsome' type of girl


(DLT is reading this over my shoulder.......)

RK - 21/11/08 at 09:42 PM

Can't wait to get it in the mail any day now.

MikeR - 22/11/08 at 12:59 AM

Tall - check
Dark - well yeah its dark brown / black apart from the bits that are missing.
handsome - ooooh damn it! 2 out of 3 grrrr.

Congratulations i'm going to buy a kit car mag for the first time in probably 2 or 3 years tomorrow!

hobzy - 22/11/08 at 09:27 AM

Got it this morning; great write up for you there Fozzie and a fantastic job you did on the car. Even without the full build details there will be plenty of little ideas being put into current builders heads after reading it.

Well done.

mistergrumpy - 22/11/08 at 10:53 AM

Fantastic car there Fozzie. Is that all original or years of fettling and polishing?
Puts mine under a big shadow which is currently starting to show signs of "quickgetitdonebeforeIVA-itis" as well as "yesit'smyfirstbuildsowhat-itis"

Fozzie - 22/11/08 at 11:39 AM

Hobzy... thank you very kindly!
It's encouraging that you have seen some 'bits' that others do not. Apart from the 1/2 bonnet change to accommodate the twin 40's it is exactly how she was when she passed SVA 4 years ago.... ah I did put in a blingy header tank very shortly after a reward to her..

Mistergrumps .... again thank you most kindly..

Though not sure what you mean.... apart from the changes as listed to Hobzy she is still the same.....
I hardly ever clean her.....but if she has been out in winter, she is given a good wash, just in case any road salt/grit has got anywhere.

The engine it's not cleaned at all, I have never had spills or leaks...I prepared, built and re-fitted eerrm nothing leaks.....
ooooo I tell a lie....

When the '40s were first fitted, she decided that it was great fun to pretend to be a dragon.....and throw flames out of the exhaust.....thus a few drops of petrol got spat out of the carbs.....that was identified as being a thackery washer problem, they had disintergrated!
The bobbin type was then fitted, and her dragon and 'spitting' days were done!

Just pre SVA I did spend a bit of time polishing the ali, but once it was done it was maintenance is very winter, I do keep a dehumidifier going when needed in her garage.....
Oh it was my first build too !


[Edited on 22-11-08 by Fozzie]

iank - 22/11/08 at 12:03 PM

Not much to add, only problem is your attention to detail makes most cars (and especially mine) look a bit ratty in the build quality dept. (I eat my lunch off a desk that's less hygienic looking than your engine bay )

Well done and a nice write up.

Fozzie - 22/11/08 at 12:12 PM

Originally posted by iank
....... (I eat my lunch off a desk that's less hygienic looking than your engine bay )..........


RK - 25/11/08 at 02:31 PM

Another in the chorus of "fantastic job done" on your car! You should be extremely happy with the results and attention. It's ironic that the Fozzmobile has been deemed "too nice to race" and that's exactly the opposite of what I tell myself when I don't do such a good job on things on my car: "well, it's going to be a race car after all...". Have I raced cars before? Um, no. Will I race it? Probably not, in reality.

Sometimes, we need show offs who are actually worthy. What a car!

richard - 25/11/08 at 07:05 PM

Well done Fozzie on geting you car in the mag, having heard a lot about it when i was trying to get another car together for the photo shoot when mine was in the sepember issue i am in some way glad you could not make it as you would have put our cars in the shade.
Hope our cars looks as good in 4 years time and not surprissed you decided not to race it as originally planned.
I noticed he did not ask you the question that Ian Stent asked me that got me so much stick ?
Welcome to the club, when we going to get another in the mag to show what great cars home builders can make.
Might be nice to organise one of the rolling road shoot outs.

Fozzie - 25/11/08 at 08:05 PM

RK......Thank you very much for your kind words

I have decided that I will enter sprints with her, and I will be keeping the bits to change things back to 750mc regs...... but I am in no hurry .....RK never say never to know you want to !

Richard, thank you too, for your very kind words as Adam will tell you, it very nearly didn't happen at all (he can be ).

Go on then, what was the question Ian Stent asked you? u2u me it if you don't want to put it here!
