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Pimping my Website
RoadkillUK - 21/7/02 at 02:42 AM

I've been messing for a while and trying to get to grips with this web site stuff, follow the link on my sig and slate my work

theconrodkid - 21/7/02 at 04:49 AM

AH,brings back memories!should be running by the end of the month then?

merlin - 21/7/02 at 05:43 AM

Looks pretty damn good to me!

chrisg - 21/7/02 at 09:56 AM

Roadkill mate,

Chassis looks good, but where the hell did you get the guy modeling it?



RoadkillUK - 22/7/02 at 02:15 AM

The guy comes with the chassis, good looking fella but a crap welder

I have updated the site with this weeks pics, not terribly exciting but it's an alternative (removable) gearbox mounting and a pic of my grinder that broke and I fixed, that's why the welds look a bit naff

ChrisW - 22/7/02 at 03:23 PM

Looks good mate. Seems your about the same stage in the build as me.

On the subject of websites, as I've said before, if you (or anyone) wants a 'LocostBuilders' microsite I can sort it out. --> FREE ---> £15/year

...or just at £30/year

All hosted on the same servers as this very site and of course, every site helps support this one!

Email me if your interested!


Dazza - 22/7/02 at 10:48 PM

me me me, i need it sorting. just tell me what to do!!!! have already.