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Dial face creating software for speedo etc?
matt_claydon - 14/1/09 at 08:33 AM

I'm sure I remember a bit of software that helped you create dial faces easily. I know it can be done without too much trouble in CAD but in my mind there was something that would basically do it all for you.

Any ideas?


Mr Whippy - 14/1/09 at 08:41 AM

I was thinking the same thing a few days ago. Way I was going to do it was like you say use auto CAD to draw the numbers/lines then in the background load up a photograph of the web etc then print it out on photo paper. Cut out the mileage dial slot and glue it to the instrument face. Very easy really.

rusty nuts - 14/1/09 at 07:20 PM

Have a look at Greengauges site , may be of help.