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Sylva Leader Q632 FLF - anyone here?
stevebubs - 5/4/09 at 06:25 PM

Please can you contact Chris71 if you know who it currently belongs to.

It's very important he gets in touch as he may be about to lose the car.

[Edited on 6/4/09 by stevebubs]

zilspeed - 5/4/09 at 06:43 PM

Originally posted by stevebubs
Please can you contact me if you know who it currently belongs to.

It's very important he gets in touch with the previous owner as he may be about to lose the car.

Not me.

Jon Ison - 5/4/09 at 06:59 PM

yea, read it on piston heads, the guy needs contacting asap.

Paul TigerB6 - 5/4/09 at 07:27 PM

Piston heads link

The car isnt in the Motor Insurance Database either!!

[Edited on 5/4/09 by Paul TigerB6]

Danozeman - 5/4/09 at 08:45 PM



Really need to get hold of this guy - the DVLA have screwed up and now I find out his car isn't legally his! I can't afford to pay any more fines for it, so unless I can get a forwarding address or something it's just going to be registered as scrap or something and I really don't want that to happen.

Could he not just tell them he sold it and they cocked up then surely itl show up when the new bloke comes to tax it and wont be able to?

Chris71 - 6/4/09 at 08:38 AM

Hi guys,

Thanks to Steve for copying the link and everyone for their input. I didn't think of putting anything up here.

I hope there is a simple solution, but so far I haven't found one. The car is 'mine' until I can transfer it and the DVLA don't seem remotely interested in helping. I want to help out the new owner (well, I say new, he's had it for a year and a half) but I'm not particularly happy about picking up one fine for someone else's car and I have no intention of leaving it registered in my name to acquire another.

Anyway, thanks again, the insurance check was a good plan too. Presumably it's off the road as a track car or project.

iank - 6/4/09 at 08:58 AM

Did you fill in your bit of the V5c (yellow bit ?). Or is that the bit the DVLA 'lost'. If it is you could get another v5c and do the transfer again. In theory registering it as scrap could get you into trouble as it isn't true.

Personally I'd write a letter (registered post) to the DVLA and the police telling them the full details of what happened (including any DVLA mistakes) and making it clear you aren't going to be paying any more fines - indeed demanding a refund on the one you've got. If another one comes through let it get through to the court system if necessary and use the letter and lack of action from police and DVLA to move the problem onto them via a magistrate.

How did it pick up a ticket if it's off the road? Sounds like the guy who bought it has decided to avoid expense by leaving you with the consequences.

Guess you don't have the details for the guy you sold it to anymore.

Chris71 - 6/4/09 at 04:57 PM

Guess you don't have the details for the guy you sold it to anymore.

Therein lies the problem.

Even if I had a duplicate V5 I couldn't get the other half to him.

Basically I sent off my half of the V5, heard nothing about a problem (despite keeping in touch with the guy for a month or two before losing his details) and then forgot about it - it was the best part of 18 months ago. However, the DVLA small print states it's my responsibility to chase them up and save them for their own incompetence - shocking but true!

Needless to say I've already written a letter to the DVLA explaining that I don't want to pay the fine, but if they start playing hardball I'm not sure I can afford to pick up a CCJ as I'm looking at buying my first house in the next few years. I wouldn't be amused if a dodgy credit record thanks to someone else failing to pay his car tax prevented me from taking out a sensible mortgage (for example).

Sorry, ranting a bit, but you get the idea - I'm screwed.