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How embarrassing is this??
robcool - 10/5/09 at 06:45 PM

Been out on my Locost 7 today as the weather hasn’t been to bad and needed to play around with the set up.
Well could see a horse and it rider abit up the road so slowed down as my exhaust isn’t the quietest but there not made to be? So held back, was about 100 metre back but the horse was still now happy and getting abit spooked even though I was sat with the car idling (purring), So fort I would be a good lad and turn the car off so the rider could get off the road and the horse to chill out abit.
So turned the car off! Well the rider was just about to put her hand up as a mark of my good act and my car let out the loudest backfire ever (it only just started doing it).

But I am happy to say that not riders or animals where injured in this act of good will. But she might just have needed to change her pants when she got back.

Would the backfire what happened due to over fuelling?

blakep82 - 10/5/09 at 06:51 PM


we had a post like this the other day, with the backfiring, i suggested a air leak in the exhaust, which turned out to be correct

if there's a tiny hole in the manifold for example, the hot gasses cool and contract a little, sucks some fresh air in, oxygen mixes with a tiny bit of unburnt fuel pulled through the engine while it winds down, and ignites in the exhaust. bang

Howlor - 10/5/09 at 07:06 PM

In my younger days I was, shall we say 'tanking it' and I crested only to see horse and rider up ahead about 100ft. Braked really hard from warp factor 6 and my arms locked solid and I couldn't stop my palms applying the horn.

Anyway all was well, luckily. Now I am a far more careful driver!


omega0684 - 10/5/09 at 07:17 PM

i think a simple WHOOPS says it all

handyandy - 10/5/09 at 08:04 PM

fair play to you for being thoughtful to horse & rider, i,m sure the fact that you stopped to allow horse to settle was appreciated by the rider, good on ya,

ps , i ride horses too.

blakep82 - 10/5/09 at 08:06 PM

i love horses, they're best of all the animals, i love horses, they're my friends

(anyone remember that advert? )

robcool - 10/5/09 at 09:45 PM

yeh i think it might be the exhaust as i did take it off the other day and it was rattling about, i will have a look and put in on right before i go out again it wasn't fun when it did that, i didnt wonna stop the engine in the petrol station ever and yes it banged again but wasnt as bad as the horse one.
Its funny now when i think of it but i was abit scared for the person on the horse and i bet she was calling me everything under the sun. lol