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Milmor bits and bobs advice
cadebytiger - 10/5/09 at 08:38 PM

Hey there guys.

My Dad used to racer a bit back in the day and has an old Milmor chassis hanging up in the garage ( which has been there for some time).

He had a dink on the devil's elbow at mallory and never got back into it.

We are trying to clear the garage out a bit and i was wondering if anyone knew if we would be likely to find a home for the heap of bits or is it likely just scrap ...

I'm not exactly sure what the engine is (will have to look in more detail next time i am over there) i think it is a 1300 possible crossflow :S

Thanks again


Mal - 10/5/09 at 08:51 PM

Try posting it on the website. There are plenty of specialised and historic racing car components sold on there.


iank - 10/5/09 at 08:59 PM

Bound to be worth something to someone. Especially if you can get the papers so it's able to race in a historic series.