Hi I posted Yesterday about building a left hand drive Locost.... I am currently in Spain and am wondering if anyone knows of any locost builders over
here that may be able to help me with sourcing parts etc!
How about these:
Alez in Madrid
DUR (Dennis) in Madrid
robertst (Tom) in Madrid
tks in Salamanca
where abouts in Spain are you based ?
I know of a formula 27 chassis going for £ 75 - about 100 of your euros.
A company had built one that are based on the road from Zurgena to Albox.
Im in argentina, and I build my car with left hand drive, if U need someting I can help, tambien hablo el español !!!!
no hablo español but I'm on the south coast, if I can help, then shout.
Originally posted by scottc
no hablo español but I'm on the south coast, if I can help, then shout.
Guys... please put your rough location in your profile, it certainly helps people with their replies such as this one.
Town (and Country if not in the UK)
No offence intended.
LHD chassis, just build a mirror image.
Personally I would do the Haynes Roadster.
Originally posted by wilkingj
Personally I would do the Haynes Roadster.
If you speak Spanish, I recommend the message board at trackdaycars.freeforums.org, there's a
few guys building Locosts there