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how to avatar
dunk3 - 7/6/09 at 08:35 AM

Hi all can someone tell me how to put a picture to go at the side of my name, like a Avatar. cheers.

Flamez - 7/6/09 at 08:38 AM

firstly reduce your picture to 150 by 150 pixels.

copy to photo archie

use photo address from archive and paste into the avatar window in your control panel. do ot use [img] & [/img] just the web address.

Guinness - 7/6/09 at 08:39 AM

Upload a small photo to your archive.

Open that photo. Right click, chose properties. Copy that address.

Click on control panel (top right of the page), then click on "Edit Profile".

Towards the bottom of that page is a space to enter the address of your photo.

CTRL V the address of the photo in your archive.




Hellfire - 7/6/09 at 08:42 AM

First of all, the picture needs to be either in your photo archive, or online. Once you've got the picture you want, right click on it and select properties. Then highlight and copy the location. Go into your control panel on Locostbuilders and into 'Edit Profile'. Scroll down to 'Avatar URL' and paste the location you previously copied. Hope that makes sense.

Oh, and make sure it's not too big otherwise you'll have the LCB Police on your back


Guinness - 7/6/09 at 08:51 AM



dunk3 - 7/6/09 at 08:54 AM

OK thanks everybody, sorted it