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Might take the car out tonight
907 - 23/6/09 at 05:46 PM

It's a nice evening. Might take the Suttol out for a drive.

About time it had an airing.

Paul G Rescued attachment suttol-on-tow.jpg
Rescued attachment suttol-on-tow.jpg

twybrow - 23/6/09 at 06:05 PM

Don't scratch it! Those pesky flies can come at you pretty darn quick! Beautiful car by the way....

Johneturbo - 23/6/09 at 06:07 PM

Very nice Mr bling

mistergrumpy - 23/6/09 at 06:21 PM

Bah overcast and raining here. You must've got the weather we had yesterday. I was out with a motorbike chasing me and I didn't break down once, for the first time!
I'm jealous!

Xtreme Kermit - 23/6/09 at 06:34 PM

Mmmmmmm - shiny!

eddie99 - 23/6/09 at 07:19 PM

Very nice, as said above - dont scratch it

matt.c - 23/6/09 at 07:26 PM

What colour gellcoat is that?

Stuart_B - 23/6/09 at 07:32 PM

that looks nice, i was out yesterday as well, with motorbiek chasing me as well.

and we saw loads of bikes out as well.


speedyxjs - 23/6/09 at 08:04 PM

Have a good time

LBMEFM - 23/6/09 at 08:24 PM

Beautiful car, are you going to take it off the trailer for the drive out

907 - 23/6/09 at 09:23 PM

Tee He. I was testing the trailer ramps really.

All cleared according to plan. Just had to move a couple of anchor points (arrowed) a bit further up the mudguard.

Job done.

Paul G Rescued attachment ramps.jpg
Rescued attachment ramps.jpg

Danozeman - 23/6/09 at 09:41 PM

Looks good that Paul. Matches your car perfectly