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Ron's response to his critics
David Jenkins - 7/8/02 at 08:35 AM

David Jenkins - 7/8/02 at 08:37 AM

Second attempt!

I spotted this on the Locost_Theory list. I have posted it in its entirety, and leave you to make you own mind up...

To webmaster
As a matter of record my design was in inches, my publishers did the
conversion to metric. whilst I was influenced by Westfield no tubes on the
Locost are the same length or angle. The same applies to wishbones, trailing
links, etc.
When the book first came out, Westfield attempted to take me to Court, but in
the light of overwhelming evidence provided by me to my barrister, withdrew the
day before we were due in Court.

Incidentally a lot of elements of the Locost, particularly the front of the
chassis, were designed by me in 1963 and were built into a Clubman's Race Car,
which we were prepared to produce as evidence, if we had gone to Court (and
won) we would then have been able to say that Westfield copied Ron Champion.

The rear tubes on the Locost are influenced by Lotus.

But what the hell we all copied Colin Chapman.

Ron Champion

Webmaster, if you want to use this, please print it in its entirety, Ron


