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I really should ...
02GF74 - 5/8/09 at 10:54 AM

... get offline and phone up for my valve stem seals.

Guinness - 5/8/09 at 10:59 AM

I really should:-

1. Put the head back on the Indy.
2. Complete the Loft Conversion.
3. Put the kettle on.


Mr Whippy - 5/8/09 at 11:07 AM

I really should:-

1) go for lunch

2) watch doctor who on i-player

3) do some work

Charlie_Zetec - 5/8/09 at 11:07 AM

I really should:-

a) complete my bild and get the car ready for IVA

b) chase the solicitors about my new house purchase

c) prepare myself for the hard spending month ahead

d) do some work rather than spend all day in the office on L/B!

[Edited on 5/8/09 by Charlie_Zetec]

omega0684 - 5/8/09 at 11:08 AM

i really should:

1)be getting in the garage and doing some work on the car
2)planning next build
3)learning how to use this auto desk 3ds technical drawing program i just downloaded!
4)put the kettle on to wash down the egg sarny i just had!

[Edited on 5/8/09 by omega0684]

02GF74 - 5/8/09 at 11:20 AM

done, see here

blakep82 - 5/8/09 at 12:21 PM

i really should

do a lot of things, but i'll probably put them off til later again.
and decide whether or not to get my open diff rebuilt, or get a quaife atb. all the signs say atb

Vindi_andy - 5/8/09 at 12:30 PM

I really should finish decorating the hall stairs and landing ready for selling the house in preparation for moving.

Hopefully to somewhere with a double garage this time

nick205 - 5/8/09 at 03:02 PM

I really should....

1. Do some work/look for a new job

2. Get on and sell the Indy rather than tinkering with it

3. Get back out on my MTB

4. Drink more beer

Confused but excited. - 5/8/09 at 06:28 PM

1) Go down and have a couple of free beers.