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Luego sports cars now sponsor LCB?
mads - 4/9/09 at 03:55 PM

Have they always or is this new?

Just seen it at the bottom on main page

weird though as not on forum main page, just site.... =o/

[Edited on 4/9/09 by mads]

[Edited on 4/9/09 by mads]

Miks15 - 4/9/09 at 03:56 PM

pretty sure its always been there

blakep82 - 4/9/09 at 03:58 PM

first i've seen of it

James - 4/9/09 at 04:00 PM

Been there forever.

Where you think ChrisW got his Viento from?!!!

mads - 4/9/09 at 04:00 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
first i've seen of it

ditto - and my bookmark is to site's main page so first page I see.

Mr G - 4/9/09 at 04:04 PM


Dangle_kt - 4/9/09 at 04:55 PM

Guess which complete kits you can buy in the shop?

tomgregory2000 - 4/9/09 at 04:57 PM

yep always been there

speedyxjs - 4/9/09 at 05:02 PM

Yep, been there for ages

Fozzie - 4/9/09 at 06:59 PM

It's been there for more than 6 years...

Shows how observant some of you most definitely are not .....


blakep82 - 4/9/09 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
It's been there for more than 6 years...

Shows how observant some of you most definitely are not .....


ah, the resolution on my screen just cuts off that bit, and it doesn't appear on any thread pages, so that explains it