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Fitting in a Locost?
PaulB - 6/9/09 at 05:06 PM

Hi, I'm seriously thinking about building a Locost for Sprinting or Hill Climbing. Possibly based on a Aries Motorsport Locoblade. My concern is that I am 6ft 2in tall and weigh around 16 stone. I've tried getting into a Sylva Styker and there is no way I could drive it. Could anybody give me a view as to whether I'd be able yo get into a Locost chassis and be able to drive it safely.
Many thanks....

rusty nuts - 6/9/09 at 05:22 PM

Location might be a good idea as someone in your area may have a car you can try for size? Welcome to the madhouse .

jacko - 6/9/09 at 05:59 PM

My Son is 6ft 2 and can drive my MK
ps welcome to the mad house

speedyxjs - 6/9/09 at 06:03 PM


As above, your best bet is to find someone local to gave a go with.

zilspeed - 6/9/09 at 06:05 PM

I'm a 6 ft 2 used to be 19 stone person.

When I had the Locost, I deleted the driver's seat and got on fine.

I suspect that the next time I drive the sylva will be the same. Last time I drove I was slightly heavier and leg room was a bit tight. That won't have changed.

lotusmadandy - 6/9/09 at 06:06 PM

Welcome Paul,

My father is 6ft 1 1/2 and fits in my indy no bother.


PaulB - 6/9/09 at 06:30 PM

Thanks for the feedback guys, I am based in Cheshire, any good?
Might be visiting Aries next weekend.

daniel mason - 6/9/09 at 07:00 PM

i had a zx9r powered locoblade. i am 5'10" and 12 1/2 stone. it was reasonably tight to get in and out of.they are fairly narrow and there was a lot less room than in my mnr! still very light,very good fun and very fast!

big_wasa - 6/9/09 at 07:11 PM

I am 6.3" and to wide

You will fit a book car if you use thin seat pads and floor mounted pedals.

Seats rob so much space.

Scott W - 6/9/09 at 07:36 PM

I'm 6ft 3 and weigh 18st - I drive a Stuart Taylor Locoblade without any issues. I had to change the seats that were originally in it (GRP ones) as they were too tight but other than that everything else is fine.

big_wasa - 6/9/09 at 07:48 PM

Ive got baby cub seats and its drivable but they will be replaced with pads after iva ( you need head rests for iva ).

Richard Quinn - 6/9/09 at 08:02 PM

I've got an Aries and although I'm only 5' 10" and 13 1/2 stone but I've taken two of my nephews out in it. They are both about 15 stone and one's 6'4" and the other's 6'5". My seat is about 5" forward from its rearmost position. There's two Aries in Wirral / South Wirral depending on which part of Cheshire you are in

Dangle_kt - 6/9/09 at 08:26 PM

I;ve got a locost, and at 6ft 1 I fit in fine, I;m a touch lighter than you at 14 1/2 stone, but no problems getting in it.

The only thing that is a problem is the dash which is too low when driving and gets in the way of my thigh so I get knee ache - buts due to the interior not the chassis - i need to get a better dash once I;m on the road.

I'm in liverpool, your welcome to pop up and see if you fit - car is away having work done for the next two weeks, but give me a u2u if you still want to pop up.

Ninehigh - 6/9/09 at 09:08 PM

If you're gonna build your own you'll fit, you can make you fit