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Driver cut from Kit Car after Aberdeen Crash
Slater - 10/9/09 at 03:07 PM

I don't know any more details, other than this. Looks like the guy is OK, but it's not nice at all. I have my kit car at work today, I'll be taking it easy on the way home.

Looks like a yellow seven of some sort.


Mr Whippy - 10/9/09 at 03:12 PM

nasty, first I've heard of it. Seems a very long time to remove someone from a 7 style car

hope they recover soon.

there's been an awful lot of crashes lately in the local papers and big ones too. Me and Missy passed that Audi wrapped round the lamp post and I heard the woman in it had now lost her legs

[Edited on 10/9/09 by Mr Whippy]

CRAIGR - 10/9/09 at 03:15 PM

Looks like a Striker from the shape of the windscreen.
Hope the guys ok

Mr Whippy - 10/9/09 at 03:19 PM

Originally posted by CRAIGR
Looks like a Striker from the shape of the windscreen.
Hope the guys ok

I think your right as the rear arches are curving down over the top

[Edited on 10/9/09 by Mr Whippy]

mangogrooveworkshop - 10/9/09 at 03:24 PM

looks bad on this smallish screen .....poor guy thats got to hurt.........and he has to iva later

nick205 - 10/9/09 at 03:28 PM

Hope he's OK!

Does make you feel uneasy and very exposed!

Guinness - 10/9/09 at 03:46 PM


[Wonders again about retro fitting a full cage]


MikeRJ - 10/9/09 at 03:58 PM

Wow that looks a mess, the article says the driver escaped serious injury which is amazing given the state of the car.

bbwales - 10/9/09 at 04:03 PM

Having been there myself, my rebuild is having a full roll cage and I am also strengthening the chassis. I did walk out of mine though so my thoughts are with the guy and hope he recovers quickly.


BenB - 10/9/09 at 04:24 PM

If it it a Striker I'm not that surprised they struggled to get him out, the cockpit is tiny!!

Hope he's well though!!

Slater - 10/9/09 at 04:51 PM

More details from the paper, I posted big pics so you can read the text.

Is it anyone one here?

evening express 1
evening express 1


Dangle_kt - 10/9/09 at 05:05 PM

I bet the firefighters took so long as the chassis rails run right past the drivers legs etc.

one slip and they would have messed him right up!

JoelP - 10/9/09 at 05:18 PM

id imagine pedal box trapping feet. Lucky guy though!

Werner Van Loock - 10/9/09 at 06:17 PM

exactly the reason I'm going full cage on my striker this winter

One I know for sure is that I'll break my upper leg if I would get into an accident that's a bit sideways, I'm stuck between a vertical chassisrail and the tunnel

cockpit in the striker is not comfortable at all for a 6'2" driver like me

Angus180 - 10/9/09 at 07:36 PM

i hope my full roll cages does the job i suspect i will be caugh out by something and crash

bi22le - 10/9/09 at 09:36 PM

I had a bad accident recently (photos and detials to come!) and the full roll cage saved me in another way. The front right wheel got ripped clean off inc suspension and wishbones. It hit the roll cage about 2 foot off the floor and flew over the top just catching the top of my crash helmet. Without the cage it would of spanked me in the head. The crash helmet saved any further injury! I always wanted a full cage for looks and safety. My next car will deffinatly have one!