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New TV ariel required, but what about Free sat
steve m - 22/9/09 at 06:19 PM

I had an ariel installer round ealier, as our TV reception is appalling
basicly he does not recomend an ariel, as we have high trees 10 metres away, and they are exactly were the ariel needs to point,
so he has recomended free sat with HD, and all for £249 fitted
does this sound a good deal, or should i be looking at installing the stuff my self ?
I did put my sky dish up years and years ago, so dont have a problem with that

If so any recomendations to go for , or not !!



miikae - 22/9/09 at 06:29 PM

You should be able to get a dish and receiver installed yourself for a fraction of the price quoted.
If you have a sky dish already then just connect to it as it points in the same direction and the satelite is in the same street as the rest of them , that way.


iceman26 - 22/9/09 at 06:31 PM

have a look at darkman box at alsat mine cost 199.99 fittted myself its hd free sat +lots more going of now to watch free football on it u2u me if you want any more info

big-vee-twin - 22/9/09 at 08:42 PM

You can get a freesat set up box and dish to install diy from B&Q for £40 its not HD though.

I installed freesat HD at my parents the box plugs straight into an existing sky mini dish works no problem, it was designed to do this - uses the same satelite.

splitrivet - 22/9/09 at 10:38 PM

If your sky dish is still there use that. Just fit a multi LNB and wire your freesat box to one of the connections and sky to the other, as an added bonus its the only way at the moment you can get HD for nowt.
Get a Freesat box with Hard drive recording and the jobs a good un.

Ninehigh - 23/9/09 at 02:16 AM

Now that's food for thought, got Virgin HD a month ago and cancelled the sky. Did you know Sky's freeview service doesn't even include Dave? It's on FREEview ffs!

However if these freesat thingies do more channels (and more useful ones mind, don't want 30 channels of Jeremy Kyle and the like!) and they record then it might be worth plugging in a new box
Found out a few days ago our bedroom tv does HD too, and I was the one that bought it