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Registered Traders Listing
LBMEFM - 22/9/09 at 10:14 PM

Looking at the recent posting re:GTS problems.
Why does this posting appear, and lets be honest many other suppliers are a problem and many excellent, over and over again. Please is this now not a case of having a listing of Registered Traders and then allowing us to post comments about their service like e-bay etc. Ok from time to time there will be good traders making a mistake but if every customer leaves a comment then a pattern of their trading history will appear. New and existing members can view it and avoid falling into the trap that so many of us have done with regards to unreliable traders.
I have made this point several times in the past, I don't know if it would be difficult to set-up, but is it possible to have this system?. Barry

Ben_Copeland - 22/9/09 at 10:41 PM

Probably something along the lines of... ChrisW is a very busy man and doesnt have the time to integrate things like that into the forum atm.

I think it would be good btw

[Edited on 22/9/09 by Ben_Copeland]

Fozzie - 22/9/09 at 11:08 PM

Barry, I can see where you are coming from...but.....GTS/Darren for example, is NOT a Registered Trader, nor indeed has he ever been.

The 'troubles' with GTS are historical and well documented, in the GTS section of the forum...but people still try to order/buy from him.
I am using GTS as an example here because you mentioned them in your post.

Not every manufacturer/part makers/suppliers are Registered Traders on back to square one.

I can foresee that it would rapidly turn in to a 'flaming' forum, with lots of popcorn 'smilies'.


Ninehigh - 23/9/09 at 02:27 AM

We could have a "Traders" section and each thread would have the company name e.g. GTS, local scrappies etc. and anyone who's had dealings with them can reply with "ace" or "awful" and so on. Then if you're looking at a company have a look through the section and see how many "greats" and "sh**es" are under their name

Staple balls - 23/9/09 at 03:11 AM

A feedback forum for the marketplace section would probably be a good idea, there is a risk of some flaming, but I doubt it'd be too serious, especially if you set some rules out for it.

On other forums I use, I've seen short shop reviews that are pretty useful, and sigs with successful trades in with other members.

I think there's maybe a small issue with registered traders too, I've seen at least one post where it appears someone thinks the registered trader thing means more than it does, possibly could be interpreted as LCB vouching for the trader?

LBMEFM - 23/9/09 at 05:58 AM

Of course I understand that Chris is a busy man and I think this site he runs is second to none. It just seems that time after time members post a complaint about a certain person/s, not necessarily registered traders, and everybody replies saying "that happened to me " with that person/trader. There are some bright guys on here surely someone can come up with simple system of some sort to help members from being ripped off. A new section, maybe where can list a supplier with comment and others can add to the comments either good or bad. I know it is open to abuse but I think over a period a pattern will develop and will show up the good and the bad regular traders/sellers, of course nothing can be done about the one off rogue. Barry

Fozzie - 23/9/09 at 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Barry, I can see where you are coming from...but.....GTS/Darren for example, is NOT a Registered Trader, nor indeed has he ever been.

The 'troubles' with GTS are historical and well documented, in the GTS section of the forum...but people still try to order/buy from him.

I am using GTS as an example here because you mentioned them in your post.


I have had to quote my own post here ^^^...

If, for example, the complaints (plural) about a person/manufacturer/supplier have been well documented on here, and in the correct section, and yet people STILL order from that person/supplier/manufacturer........

How/why is making yet another forum section going to stop people ordering/doing business with those persons?

It is evident that people do not read or research or indeed take any notice of the relevant posts or there wouldn't still be an issue with one trader in particular.

I will talk this over with Chris on your behalf.

We do not vouch or recommend any person/trader in particular.

The Registered Trader tag is purely there to show that that person/company has donated a bit extra to the site in order to advertise his services (make money) to the LocostBuilders member base.

Any prospective purchaser should therefore do a search on that persons/traders/suppliers posts and make their own choice.

It is the individuals responsibility to research the best they can.

Fozzie ....Admin

Please do not make multiple threads about the same is getting very messy and confusing.......

[Edited on 24-9-09 by Fozzie]