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Run about
55ant - 29/9/09 at 12:53 PM

hello all

well i thought it would happen sooner or later but SWMBO has decided she doesnt like the fact she has to drive everywhere now i only have the indy, now i cycle everywhere rain or shine, but i have been told i need to change the car. humph

so as you all know women are really understanding and logical in their arguments, but basicaly i can either sell it and get a 'normal' car, winterise it (ie windscreen roof etc etc etc) or get a run around.

So what the hell should i do, im happy to have a crappy run about but how much is it going to cost to run it? i reckon £1000 a year would be good?

or i could put all the winter stuff on the indy, not keen on this idea to be honest.

or sell up and get a proper car?

and no i cant change her!

whitestu - 29/9/09 at 01:01 PM

I don't think weather gear on an Indy will make it very useable - It'll still be cramped and leaky and probably won't keep her happy.

Ivan - 29/9/09 at 01:08 PM

Why must she drive everywhere - can't you drive her car?

55ant - 29/9/09 at 01:21 PM

yep i can drive her car, but she doesnt want to alsways have to use her car, so i said if i got a car we would only use it once or twice a month, this didnt go down well.

55ant - 29/9/09 at 01:21 PM

yep i can drive her car, but she doesnt want to alsways have to use her car, so i said if i got a car we would only use it once or twice a month, this didnt go down well.

MK9R - 29/9/09 at 01:28 PM

Buy cheap hack (250quid) with 6+months MOT and some tax if possible, run it until it breaks or MOT runs out, see if you can fix it for very little, if not buy another cheap hack. Insure it 3rd party and get something with cheap road tax. One thing to be careful of is that if its too nasty inside, she won't go in it and you are back to square one. My missus refused to go in a an old granada i had as she said it smelt of old people/death (which i admit it did) and then a freelander she said stunk of BO, but a old burnt out diff in the boot soon replaced that with a smell of gas

[Edited on 29/9/09 by MK9R]

iank - 29/9/09 at 02:13 PM

Can't you trade her car up to something she'd be happier with?

Though it sounds more like an excuse to emotionally blackmail you into getting rid of the indy, it's possible she might think it's easier than telling you she thinks it's a death trap*?

* [this is from personal experience of "getting the truth" in the middle of an argument, and no I haven't/won't give in]

mrwibble - 29/9/09 at 02:21 PM

well i think u know what u have to do.

55ant - 29/9/09 at 02:35 PM


well i think u know what u have to do.

lol. hmmm.

yep she has just, on my recomendation been an ordered a brand spankin new suzuki swift sport. hmm, i am growin on the runabout idea, does anyone know if lpg conversions take the car to a low tax band?

MK9R - 29/9/09 at 02:39 PM

Originally posted by 55ant

well i think u know what u have to do.

lol. hmmm.

yep she has just, on my recomendation been an ordered a brand spankin new suzuki swift sport. hmm, i am growin on the runabout idea, does anyone know if lpg conversions take the car to a low tax band?

you only get a 15-20% lower road tax with LPG, and for that you have to hav ethe certificate and the V5 changed to state alternative fuel.

55ant - 29/9/09 at 03:11 PM

just did a insurance quote for an imaginary 1.2 fiesta worth 250quid tpft, £500!!!!

wtf, thats on a comparison site. what the hell. this is why its impossible for people to start driving, more than twice the value of the car, obviously i could drive into a 80k merc with a surgeon in it but still, wtf.

Humbug - 29/9/09 at 03:38 PM

I don't know what age you are, but my 17 year old daughter has a £500 Saxo and the insurance as a learner was £900 TPFT for 10 months (equivalent of nearly £1000 for 12 months) and will be another £200 if/when she passes her test. I thought that was good... when my son was the same age it would have been about twice that... so he didn't get a car to use

MikeRJ - 29/9/09 at 03:56 PM

Originally posted by 55ant
wtf, thats on a comparison site. what the hell. this is why its impossible for people to start driving, more than twice the value of the car, obviously i could drive into a 80k merc with a surgeon in it but still, wtf.

The bottom line is a cheap car doesn't reduce the risk of an accident, and the value of the car is a fraction of the amount the insurance company will be liable for if you injure someone. Comparing the value of the car with the premium is pointless, there is little correlation until you start looking at very expensive cars.

If you are going to by an old banger, larger cars are almost always better value for money than small hatchbacks, and often won't cost any more to insure if you don't go for big engines.

[Edited on 29/9/09 by MikeRJ]

55ant - 29/9/09 at 04:21 PM

hmm, well i pay £800 for the indy, worth 5k, fully comp

im 21 btw.

bmseven - 29/9/09 at 05:55 PM

My 7 Series 92 BMW is on a classic car policy 5000mile limit its about £150 fully comp including recovery and agreed value

iank - 29/9/09 at 06:55 PM

Just imagine what this lad will be paying in 18months.

mangogrooveworkshop - 29/9/09 at 06:57 PM

macspeedy has the pug looking for a home.........that the cheapest motoring ever

austin man - 29/9/09 at 06:59 PM

Sell her car, buy a good vehicle for towing and a trailer. Tow the indy to wherever she wants to go then drive the Indy back