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oh well ........
02GF74 - 2/10/09 at 10:00 AM

Rescued attachment cooked.jpg
Rescued attachment cooked.jpg

blakep82 - 2/10/09 at 10:01 AM

sold? broken? dead?

02GF74 - 2/10/09 at 10:04 AM

dead big time.

overheated, reckon at least a head gasket, possibly more.

don't want to even think about it right now

question is why?

cd.thomson - 2/10/09 at 10:05 AM

oh no! all that car and attention getting that new engine in then it goes and kicks you in the teeth

FFTS - 2/10/09 at 10:06 AM


Your having a car delivered? Cool!

I feel bad now.. only kidding.

AndyW - 2/10/09 at 10:09 AM

Is that by chance, just off the A1 Stevenage south, layby?? I broke down there only a week ago, must be the area......

iank - 2/10/09 at 10:09 AM

On the bright side it's not bent or burnt.

scudderfish - 2/10/09 at 10:25 AM

Here's mine earlier this year outside John Lewis in Welwyn Garden City (a classier place to break down )

Have a cup of tea, stash it in the garage and ignore it for a day or two. Rescued attachment Image064.jpg
Rescued attachment Image064.jpg

Mr Whippy - 2/10/09 at 10:26 AM

at least that gives you time to paint that bonnet

TimC - 2/10/09 at 10:38 AM

On the bright side, you take a great photo!

blakep82 - 2/10/09 at 10:49 AM

Originally posted by 02GF74
dead big time.

overheated, reckon at least a head gasket, possibly more.

don't want to even think about it right now

question is why?

i call that broken. its not written off, summer's over, time for the winter engine upgrade
every cloud, and all that bollox
still not cool though

nib1980 - 2/10/09 at 10:49 AM

same thing happened to me. just finished a 6 month rebuild on a xflow, and the oil pump siezed and shafted the engine. plus side is i now have a 4age, which is far lghter and more powerful

BenB - 2/10/09 at 11:02 AM

Think of it as fate deciding on an engine transplant

Looks a light car, perfect for a BEC conversion

speedyxjs - 2/10/09 at 11:10 AM

I would also say put another bigger engine in over the next few months.

cd.thomson - 2/10/09 at 11:22 AM

I'm having a giggle at all the engine transplant comments.. you're going to make 02GF74 pull his hair out! haha.

He's only just upgraded!!

02GF74 - 2/10/09 at 12:21 PM

yey, that is the A406, just off the A1 towards Stevenage.

been thinking about why.

I set timing static to 10 BTDC but didn't check it when running but it ran ok.

I fitted same dellorto carbs as for the 1300 - didn't check jetting but it ran ok.

The signs that there was something not quite right was that every time I stopped the fan was running which should have told me that the engine was running hot.

Also fitted new thermostat; haven't checked that yet but will be extremely well p155ed off it that is at fault.

iank - 2/10/09 at 03:33 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
I fitted same dellorto carbs as for the 1300 - didn't check jetting but it ran ok.

May have been running lean then, that would cause it to overheat.