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seven style r/c cars ??
gixermark - 10/11/09 at 10:01 AM

hi Guys,

getting to that time of the year that i dust down my 1/8th scale r/c nitro bubby for some fun... was thinking it would be nice to have a seven styled r/c car - does anyone know of any ???


RickRick - 10/11/09 at 10:04 AM

mardave do a cateringvan it's based on the V12 12th scale very basic very hard to break but really great fun running with other cars all out of the box spec

[Edited on 10/11/09 by RickRick]

gixermark - 10/11/09 at 12:44 PM

cheers - that would be a laugh if there was an indoor track and similar cars etc...

I'm idelaly looking for something bigger... and suitable for outdoor, and idelaly petrol/nitro

02GF74 - 10/11/09 at 02:14 PM

bigger? runs on petrol? runs outdoors?

apparently you can build one for £ 250, 1:1 scale.

RK - 10/11/09 at 02:14 PM

And all for much LESS than 250 big ones.

gixermark - 10/11/09 at 02:50 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
bigger? runs on petrol? runs outdoors?

apparently you can build one for £ 250, 1:1 scale.

lol - very good

MK9R - 10/11/09 at 03:36 PM

Originally posted by gixermark
Originally posted by 02GF74
bigger? runs on petrol? runs outdoors?

apparently you can build one for £ 250, 1:1 scale.

lol - very good

Just divide everything by 10 and you have a 1:10 scale model for £ 25

Rod Ends - 10/11/09 at 06:24 PM

Marks & SpencerToy 7

RK - 10/11/09 at 06:38 PM

Yes please. You even get yer own little Stig.

RK - 10/11/09 at 06:38 PM

Yes please. You even get yer own little Stig.