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Is it a lowcost?
Gremlin - 14/8/02 at 02:01 PM

I have been looking around for a diagram and measurement to modify the chassis out of the original build lowcost for £250 book to make it an IRS car and use a sierra donor. In doing so I found a new book being released from Avon which is the new Avon tiger lowcost ( From what I can tell it is based around a sierra donor car which is exactly what I’m looking for but does this still classify as a proper lowcost? If it isn’t I am more than happy to continue with the original book but I still am stuck trying to find dimensions and changes to make the chassis into a IRS chassis. Has anyone seen this book or have any view on the matter?

Simon - 14/8/02 at 02:39 PM


Like you I was stuck when it came to using a "book" donor, so had to go the Sierra route.

Original intention was to use Sierra IRS and subframe, but found that the front mountings of subframe would encroach too far into floor (for my liking).

I went to see Luego (from whom I bought front wishbones/bushes/wings and nosecone) to get the tube (to make up my own w/bones to their dimensions). I've made my own rear uprights. My chassis is 4" wider than book.

While there I was given a good look around their own IRS car (book width) with narrowed driveshafts.

Over the next couple of days I'm going to be making up the wishbone mountings and once done I'll put pics on Archive.

As for measurements, do something like this:

Obviously rear track will be same as Sierra so measure distance between outside faces of Sierra trailing arms.

Get / make rear uprights and measure face to bkt hole centre. Take lower w/bone and measure hole centres. Add to previous measurement. That's where lower w/bone bkt hole will be.

Take upper (adjustable) wishbone, and (with it adjusted neutrally - to allow camber changes) measure distance between hole centres. Take this measurement away from
the measurement obtained from lower w/bone to give your upper mounting point. Don't forget that you will need to get them in the right place longitudinally (ie front / rear) for the wheel arches to go in the right place.

As for Jim Dudley's book - I've just ordered a copy - more out of curiosity than anything else!!

I'm not giving measurements for two reasons.

One, my car may not be the same size as yours;

Two, Luego have been very helpful, and I don't think it would be fair for me to go publishing their hard work.

ATB and Good Luck


interestedparty - 14/8/02 at 02:42 PM

I've not seen the book yet (on order) but one thing is for sure, there is no such thing as a 'proper locost'. The whole point is to build your own car the way you want it to be. Even in the original book there are a number of different version, and since the book came out people have stretched the Locost envelope wider still.


Gremlin - 14/8/02 at 02:50 PM

That’s what I thought. Just checking there wasn’t a shrine around the original book only. I have ordered the new book too mainly to mix and match I think. If anyone still has any diagrams or other info on IRS sierra based chassis and cars it would be much appreciated.

Simon - 14/8/02 at 04:05 PM


Wife just called - something thru letterbox this morning. Possibly Avon Sportscar book.

Will peruse this evening and give initial impressions tomorrow / day after if enough interest.



Gremlin - 14/8/02 at 10:06 PM

Yeah a quick idea would be good! Cheers.