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when will it be ready?
mrwibble - 12/12/09 at 02:31 PM

sigh, my fury chassis is now 9 1/2 weeks late insert cheery comment here:

nick205 - 12/12/09 at 02:32 PM

Not sure, but what does the supplier say?

mrwibble - 12/12/09 at 02:37 PM

my supplier agreed october back in august. then nov when i called in october, last correspondence elicited no firm date...

austin man - 12/12/09 at 03:02 PM

Did you firm anything in writing ?? you may be looking at breach of contract. Important if you have paid money out

Steve G - 12/12/09 at 04:01 PM

Originally posted by mrwibble
sigh, my fury chassis is now 9 1/2 weeks late insert cheery comment here:

I didnt know GTS made the Fury!!!

hicost blade - 12/12/09 at 05:10 PM

I really hate it when companies do that, especially in the current climate!!!

Customer F**king service!!

Make sure they aren't going bust, their suppliers may not be giving them credit because they aren't paying their bills.

Sorry for the rant but I have been done over by a conning lying t**t recently

Ninehigh - 12/12/09 at 05:47 PM

Firm date or money back.

They deliver either the chassis or the money on that date.

locoboy - 13/12/09 at 07:16 PM

Its nothing to do with GTS is it?

If not it seems that others may be just as bad then..........???