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Running for the 1st time in the snow
FrankP - 9/1/10 at 02:06 PM

Well I made some progress over xmas and now have the car started.
As is tradition here is some video of it running


does it sound right/



zilspeed - 9/1/10 at 02:13 PM

Standard injection, well done

David Jenkins - 9/1/10 at 02:15 PM

Does it have multiple carbs? If so, I think that they may need balancing - it's got a sort of 'lumpy' sound.

Looks like a nice job though!

EDIT: If on injection, also may need balancing?

Either that, or it's just a very slow tickover!

[Edited on 9/1/10 by David Jenkins]

Dangle_kt - 9/1/10 at 02:21 PM

is it firing on all four cylinders?

It might be firing on three - hense the odd idle sound.

Touch the manifold (not with your bare hand!) and if any are not as hot you might have a dodgy plug, poor connection or lead.

austin man - 9/1/10 at 02:37 PM

are you planning to retain the standard injection Inlet ?? they are a bit cumbersomer I do know where there may be a s econd handGriffin inlet for sale, which is a lot smaller and fits under the bonnet.

FrankP - 9/1/10 at 02:47 PM

Yes I though it sounded a bit rough..
I have checked the ht leads and they are all pulsing and I have new plugs.

Should I check the injectors?



[Edited on 9/1/10 by FrankP]

MakeEverything - 9/1/10 at 02:49 PM

Sounds like youve got a definite "Knock".

Hopefully nothing terminal, but the noise is from the engine and the exhaust note sounds fairly regular. Maybe a big end?

What was the mileage on the engine?

[Edited on 9/1/10 by MakeEverything]

austin man - 9/1/10 at 02:52 PM

are you using the standard ECU? does the car rev ok, could be a sticking valve or a slight timing problem

David Jenkins - 9/1/10 at 02:53 PM

That's why I mentioned balancing - my x-flow sounded like that until I balanced the carbs.

MakeEverything - 9/1/10 at 02:56 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
That's why I mentioned balancing - my x-flow sounded like that until I balanced the carbs.

Its injection on a single TB though....?

FrankP - 9/1/10 at 03:12 PM

I will pull the plugs to see if they are all the same colour.


big_wasa - 9/1/10 at 04:40 PM

Mine with no exhaust.

Are you not running the Maf ?

Have you got any air leaks ? vacume connections that you havnt blocked ?

FrankP - 9/1/10 at 05:10 PM

No I am uisng the MAP rather than the MAF.

big_wasa - 9/1/10 at 05:42 PM

Ahh ms and not the ford eec-iv or v.

Any reason for not using the ford ecu ?

RK - 9/1/10 at 05:43 PM

Wasa, I like your overflow bottle. Where did you find it? Mine looks kind of old and yellowy and want one that looks a bit nicer.

At least your engines run! Minus 15 here and mine won't start.

big_wasa - 9/1/10 at 06:04 PM

Mid 90's K series Rover Metro. zr, 25, 200 and others.

Nice neat and easy to mount and I pay about a fiver each.

Not much warmer over here. In the snow and dark at -7 last night working on the tintop.

[Edited on 9/1/10 by big_wasa]

mangogrooveworkshop - 9/1/10 at 06:23 PM

Have you put the right oil in the zetec !!!
wrong oil makes it miss like mad...

MakeEverything - 9/1/10 at 06:45 PM

Wasa, love your engine cradle, for the testing. Does it twitch or turn at all when you start or rev?

adrianreeve - 9/1/10 at 06:54 PM

Is that a GBS exhaust? Any good?



David Jenkins - 9/1/10 at 06:54 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
Originally posted by David Jenkins
That's why I mentioned balancing - my x-flow sounded like that until I balanced the carbs.

Its injection on a single TB though....?

Don't worry about me - I know three-fifths of sod all about injection systems!

[Edited on 9/1/10 by David Jenkins]

big_wasa - 9/1/10 at 08:55 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
Wasa, love your engine cradle, for the testing. Does it twitch or turn at all when you start or rev?

No was all good. I ran it for hours on the trolley.

rusty nuts - 9/1/10 at 09:08 PM

Check the vacuum hoses as they can split causing rough running/misfires