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cvh vs pinto
pekwah1 - 6/2/10 at 10:25 PM

Hi guys,

hopefully looking at getting hold of an mk indy in the near future, only have around £5k to spend so will undoubtedly end up with an old ford engine.

I've seen a few with pinto and cvh engines. Just wondered if there's much difference or if i'm being a moron and they're actually the same thing?


ashg - 6/2/10 at 10:32 PM

there are a lot more cheep tuning parts for the pinto but in standard setup there wont be much in it. only advantage is that pintos go up to 2.0 where as the cvh only goes up to 1.8.

if you ever plan to swap the engine for a newer zetec then the conversion is easier from cvh as the exhaust and inlet manifolds are the same sides and you can bolt the shortened cvh steel sump onto the zetec to get more ground clearance.

contaminated - 6/2/10 at 10:34 PM

You'd be surprised what you'll get for £5k if you wait a while.

mookaloid - 6/2/10 at 10:34 PM

Not the same thing at all

I would go for the pinto myself the pinto is quite tuneable - the cvh isn't the easiest to improve although you could possibly get a turbo from an RS turbo onto it.

pekwah1 - 6/2/10 at 10:45 PM

well i'd love a zetec or duratec really, well actually i'd kill for a bec, but i'm on a limited budget and if i spend out the whole 5k then i won't have any money left to even think about tuning, let alone an engine change!

What should i expect for 5k?

mookaloid - 6/2/10 at 10:54 PM

there's this on pistonheads

pekwah1 - 6/2/10 at 10:59 PM

and that link is the exact reason i started this thread! What do you guys reckon, look good? Should i hold out for something better?

morcus - 7/2/10 at 08:26 AM

I'm not expert, but I reckon you could get a whole car with a duratec or Zetec engine for £500, so if you can do an engine swap yourself it wouldn't brake the bank to much I wouldn't have thought. If your planning on having the car along time I'd say you'd get alot out of buying a lesser engined car and swapping the engine when funds allow for something better.

P.s. Contaminated, I love your vanilla Ice lollypop man.

whitestu - 7/2/10 at 09:35 AM

From what I've seen stuff go for I wouldn't pay more than £4k for that car.

That's not to say I wouldn't buy it though. It isn't the most desirable spec so I reckon the guy will have to take offers.

Have a look and if it all seems OK make him an offer. If you can get it and leave enough money [around a grand] for a Zetec conversion, or add a bit more for a BEC you'll have a cheap car.


DRC INDY 7 - 7/2/10 at 11:31 AM

code name I4 engine (pinto) is the way to go then i would say that

marcjagman - 7/2/10 at 11:51 AM

I would say it doesn't matter if you have pinto or CVH, there are plenty of tuning parts for both. When Xr3's and Xr2's were popular a vast market of tuning parts for the CVH appeared. The main thing is that pinto's are probably more popular. There are far more tuning parts for a 1.6 CVH than the 1.8 CVH mainly due to Xr3, Xr2.

dlatch - 7/2/10 at 12:32 PM

imo patience will see you with a great car and fitted with a zetec for your £5000