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When will it ever get warmer?
David Jenkins - 14/2/10 at 10:37 AM

I want to do some stuff to the car, but when I went in the garage for 10 minutes just now I came back into the house freezing cold. I've got heaters and stuff but they're just not enough...

At the moment I'm sitting at my desk wiring up some relay bases, but the time will come when I have to go into the garage again...


<end moaning, whingeing mode>

Benzine - 14/2/10 at 10:42 AM

David Jenkins - 14/2/10 at 10:50 AM

I have a beard, and it's especially bushy at the moment!

Bit cramped in the garage for a fire...

coozer - 14/2/10 at 10:53 AM

I need some warmth for the tomatoes to germinate! Oh, and to get out in the garage too

DRC INDY 7 - 14/2/10 at 10:59 AM

nice and warm today

need a change of butcher

tegwin - 14/2/10 at 11:42 AM

pfft... grow some balls man!

You know its properly cold in the garage when your hands literally freeze to metal tools...

Anything else is just mild!

I know what you mean though, its so much easier to get motivated when its reasonably warm!

Brommers - 14/2/10 at 12:48 PM

Spring is traditionally the time it gets warmer, with temperatures peaking in the summer, cooling again in the autumn, and with winter being cold. Happens quite a bit I gather.

kipper - 14/2/10 at 12:54 PM

Stop being a wimp man, get into the garage and do something vigerous,(stop it )
I have been in my workshop since 09.00, quite mild today.


splitrivet - 14/2/10 at 01:22 PM

Know the feeling, just working my way up to making the first foray into the garage for 3 months.

Fozzie - 14/2/10 at 01:33 PM

1" thick polystyrene insulation on the garage door .....loads of good deals going at the DIY stores at the mo....


ashg - 14/2/10 at 01:36 PM

stop being a wimp dogwood and i were outside all day yesterday with the workshop doors open. I have no problem with motivation, my iva is friday lol.

RK - 14/2/10 at 01:44 PM

Everything is relative. I won't even start... and neither will my garage ornament.

blakep82 - 14/2/10 at 01:59 PM

yeah, man up!

David Jenkins - 14/2/10 at 02:00 PM

Well, I've just had 3 pints of fine beer, so I've lost interest for today!

Richard Quinn - 14/2/10 at 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Brommers
Spring is traditionally the time it gets warmer, with temperatures peaking in the summer, cooling again in the autumn, and with winter being cold. Happens quite a bit I gather.
Text book theoretician!

rusty nuts - 14/2/10 at 05:50 PM

Sitting in a nice warm office all day is making you soft David.

David Jenkins - 14/2/10 at 08:22 PM


bimbleuk - 15/2/10 at 01:36 PM

Over Christmas & New Year I was in the garage almost everyday putting another engine in my car. Was quite chilly most of the time but the garage is attached and I do have 3 layers of carpet on the floor!

If you core is warm yours hands n feet will stay much warmer so wear lots of layers. I was using a lot of disposable gloves which takes the chill from the tools as well.

I've been out a few times too and only return when my hands go numb and the dials freeze over

kipper - 15/2/10 at 03:16 PM

mmmmmm, beer!!!