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Found on ebay
Ninehigh - 21/2/10 at 10:01 AM

No IVA, what do you think?

iank - 21/2/10 at 10:03 AM

I think either it's dodgy or he doesn't understand about retests...

David Jenkins - 21/2/10 at 10:05 AM

Probably worth going to see it, if it's not too far away. The RH 2b is not the best seven-alike, but it's still a nimble and honest little fun car.

Presumably the owner will have all the IVA paperwork, so it will be easy enough to check if he's telling the truth.

If his reserve is sensible considering the lack of IVA then maybe an agreement could be reached...

DRC INDY 7 - 21/2/10 at 10:12 AM


Danozeman - 21/2/10 at 10:17 AM


As the engine's out of a Transit, we think we may have been using the wrong maximum power revs when calculating the revs for the noise test, but need to check this on Ebay and if so, to get a letter from Ford confirming that the engine came out of a Transit.

Surely that would make no difference.

If it only neeeds to go back for the noise test surely youd do that so it would sell for more?

stevec - 21/2/10 at 10:23 AM

Surely it would better to go the extra mile and get the IVA done if its just noise. It would fetch reasonable money then.
Very strange.

Andi - 21/2/10 at 10:35 AM

Surely it would better to go the extra mile and get the IVA done if its just noise. It would fetch reasonable money then.
Very strange.

Or his Wife is on one of those soul destroying, missions of moaningness, where you just cant take anymore?
Or is that just my Wife?

scootz - 21/2/10 at 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Andi
Surely it would better to go the extra mile and get the IVA done if its just noise. It would fetch reasonable money then.
Very strange.

Or his Wife is on one of those soul destroying, missions of moaningness, where you just cant take anymore?
Or is that just my Wife?

David Jenkins - 21/2/10 at 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Andi
Or his Wife is on one of those soul destroying, missions of moaningness, where you just cant take anymore?

I think that is very close to the truth, reading between the lines...

[Edited on 21/2/10 by David Jenkins]

Dangle_kt - 21/2/10 at 12:00 PM

It depends what it goes for, but I imagine the ££ bill for SVA, fixing problems, the near £500 for first IVA and then the cost of a possible new exhaust system might have made him think twice.

Seems reasonable enough - but the car doesn't look like it has had an easy life or been particularly well cared for - lots of rust in places.

I bet it would need more than just getting through the IVA to be a car you'd happy to own.

[Edited on 21/2/10 by Dangle_kt]

miikae - 21/2/10 at 01:57 PM

Its the less desirable sliding pillar model by the look of it, conversion to wishbones is not a cheap proposition either.


morcus - 22/2/10 at 02:39 AM

Surely if it failed by just three decibels you could just pad it a little somewhere, the whole thing just doesn't make sense. I thought Ebay were meant to be cracking down on adds that had missleading titles like this one has?