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RV8 Guru's advice needed
Irony - 22/2/10 at 11:32 AM

This is a shameful (hangs head in shame) plug for my rebuild thread that I have updated.

Link below.

It has been however a worthwhile process though as I have learn't so much about the RV8!

wilkingj - 22/2/10 at 12:19 PM

Dont be ashamed to ask for help...

None of us know it all.
The beauty of this site is there is loads of helpful types and people who have done it before. You can tap into that wealth of information and experience.

That way you learn, and improve your skills.

I've posted on the other thread as well..

James - 22/2/10 at 01:08 PM

We've got Duratec and Pinto rebuild threads there... just ask Fozzie to sticky it.