Hi please bear with me I have a few questions regarding putting a zetec in to a book lowcost. Due to a crazy system here in Ireland I am trying to register my lowcost but they will not register it on an age related plate 1980 they will only register it as 2010 because it has a new chassis,therefore because it is an emmision based vrt (vehical registeration tax)and no emmisions values for a xfow I will have to pay vrt at the higest band of 36% of what they value the car at and the road tax could be over 2100 euro.That is the rant over so now the questions.What would it take to put a zetec in to a book chessis maybe a 1.6/1.8 .what gearbox loom ecu clutch flywheel I want to use an engine with fairly low emmisions to reduce giving the tax man too much
Build it and register it over here?
Not sure if you wil need to add a little more height to the chasis rails as the zetec is taller than the crossflow. Its a pretty straight forward installation many people have figured out how to utilise the ford ecu. A cheap zetec can be had for £150 to £200 and you will benefit from the added performance
if you're really careful you should be able to get a zetec under the locost bonnet with mm to spare at the top and not too much under the chassis rail.
Thanks guys would I have to change the gearbox as it only a 4 speed and if so what type as I have an escort back axle and how much of the loom would I need to get it up and running any advice would be appreciated
We've just finished (OK should finish this/next weekend [suppliers grrrrrrrrrr]) swopping from a Crossflow to a Zetec, loom shouldn't cause
you many problems, starter motor is in the same place, alternator you'll probably move to the other side (we did, easy) then it depends a bit on
your chosen ignition system.
do I have to change the gearbox
Originally posted by MikeR
if you're really careful you should be able to get a zetec under the locost bonnet with mm to spare at the top and not too much under the chassis rail.
No you shouldn't have to change the gearbox, as its the standard ford attachment. If you can run to the extra expence then a type 9 would give better top end cruise, but not essential. HTH Ray
Could you register it in Northern Ireland and then import it?
Just thinking the rules there *might* be the same as ours.
thanks for your help now that I know that it will fit how much of the loom/ecu will I need. Not great with wireing but will have to learn quickley