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Free CAD
Alan B - 6/3/10 at 03:38 PM

Hard to know which section to put this in, but has anyone tried this free 3D CAD?...

Looks pretty decent from the screenshots

iank - 6/3/10 at 04:15 PM

Not yet, just downloading now (from the debian repository) and will have a play. Thanks for the pointer.

Alan B - 6/3/10 at 04:20 PM

No problem, you are very welcome. I know people are always asking about free stuff to have a play with...could be useful.


Alan B - 8/3/10 at 01:07 PM


Anyone tried it yet?

goaty - 9/3/10 at 05:48 PM

i would love to learn how to use it again, only had small amount of experience with CAD but would be lovely if i could use it, make life easier. i shall wait for people opinions on this.

Kwik - 18/3/10 at 09:28 PM

looks to me like a basic version of solidworks (what i use)

other cad packages that i have used (free ones) are:

progCAD (2D)
blender (3D)
google sketchup (3D)
Alibre Design (3D) a waterd down version is free

i have to say, solidworks is second nature to me now after only about 4 months... and i had played around with the free ones, but never realy learnt how to use them properly (especially blender !!) but out of the free ones alibre design is the best for me...