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caterham owners
boggle - 7/3/10 at 09:36 PM

i met a caterham owner in the car park the other day......he had just got out of his super 7 so i went over to have a look....

anyway, i asked him what engine he had, he turned and and and said 'whats it to do with you?'

i said i am building a locost.....

he laughed and said 'another pretender' and walked off......

are all owners of caterhams like that???

put me off going to any shows now if thats the usuall display of snoberry.....

rant over


MakeEverything - 7/3/10 at 09:39 PM

I think i would have given him a mouthful, jumped up pretentious wanker, reminding him that the reason he "Bought" a car, was because he didnt have the skills to build one!


roadrunner - 7/3/10 at 09:42 PM

You should of replied"so when are you going to get a quick one then."
If he had a decent engine in there he would of told you straight out.

StevieB - 7/3/10 at 09:44 PM

Not all like that at all, but there are the odd one or two who give everyone else a bad name.

There is a but of a general 'Caterhaminess' to the whole thing, where you have the car and the matching clothes as well as the c/f intercom headset etc.

Next time just ask the question 'is that one of those Westfield things?' and don't bother mentioning your locost.

[Edited on 7/3/10 by StevieB]

boggle - 7/3/10 at 09:45 PM

to be honest i was too gobsmacked to reply to him.....

i thought i left that sort of thing when i left the caravan club........

ReMan - 7/3/10 at 09:45 PM

Time to revive the "Longest Running Thread"
But for a short term fix, COCK

Dont let it put you off shows, not many mix with the commoners anyway

Apart from the displays of how easily the back end braks away when avoiding straw bales

[Edited on 7/3/10 by ReMan]

DRC INDY 7 - 7/3/10 at 09:45 PM

They can be like that snobbie twats

Andybarbet - 7/3/10 at 09:49 PM

No, they are not all like that, i know a few of people who own or have owned caterhams and they are all nice.
You probably just stumbled across one of the minority, i had a similar reaction from a westfield owner once but know a few good people with them too - guess it takes all sorts.
I find most people who aren't building cars seem to give me a 'your a nutball' type of look quickly followed by a question like 'Why ?' whenever i am introduced but i suppose its probably the same reason i cant understand people spending loads of cash on going to watch footy matches & abusing each other when the match is finished ???

boggle - 7/3/10 at 09:49 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
Time to revive the "Longest Running Thread"
But for a short term fix, COCK

Dont let it put you off shows, not many mix with the commoners anyway

so im not the only one who has had this problem???

i realise that his car may cost a lot more than my fred in the shed attempt but even so......

RichardK - 7/3/10 at 09:49 PM

Originally posted by DRC INDY 7
They can be like that snobbie twats

zilspeed - 7/3/10 at 09:50 PM

Well, at least that'll be the last time that happens to you.

Next time, something along the lines of, "another tool" would no doubt trip easier off the tongue.

Having said that.
One of the finest gentlemen I ever had the pleasure of making the acquaintance was along time Caterham owner and I'm still on at least talking terms with a handfull of them still.
There are tossers everywhere and clearly you met one.
Many Caterham owners are sound lads.

Daddylonglegs - 7/3/10 at 09:50 PM

Complete A-Hole!

Should have asked him if he didn't know 'cos it was daddies

As already said mate, those richard heads never go to shows 'cos no-one wants 'em around.

Just stand back and admire your handiwork, and smile smug in the knowledge YOU built it.

steve m - 7/3/10 at 09:51 PM

i would of stuck a potato up his exhaust

he would never have been able to find out why it does not start

how do you know your talking to a cateringvan owner at a party ??

pdm - 7/3/10 at 09:52 PM

Gulp - first contraversial post for me !!

^^^ really have to agree with the bought/build comment...

I'd rather get an IVA pass on something I'd built and puzzled over - gives you something to talk about over BBQ and beer....

balidey - 7/3/10 at 09:58 PM

it has nothing to do with him being a 'caterham owner'. you just happened to speak to a cock.
All this 'us and them' mentality is silly. He could have been driving an MK or Robin Hood, you ask him the same question, he gives you the same answer. yet because he is a cock that drives a caterham does it make it any different?

or look at it from HIS point of view. you've jsut spent about £40,000 on a new car, its your pride and joy, not had it more than a week, been saving for years, wanted to build your own but family commitments meant you just couldn't, but now you've got one, one of the best performance cars money can buy and guess what...... every frikkin time you park up somewhere total strangers wander up to you as if they are your best mate and say 'oy mister, ow fast isit?' Or 'what injun its got unda ya bonnet'
So you decide the best option is just to act like a cock to them.
you never know, this is how it could have happened.
As usual we only see one side of the story

Richard Quinn - 7/3/10 at 09:59 PM

Originally posted by steve m
i would of stuck a potato up his exhaust

he would never have been able to find out why it does not start

how do you know your talking to a cateringvan owner at a party ??

A cateringvan owner invited to a party ??
Actually, they're definitely not all like that. I know a few decent ones.

MakeEverything - 7/3/10 at 09:59 PM

I should probably add to my post originally, in that i dont think this is specific to Caterham owners.

Ive found the same at (for example) Advanced Motorcycle (IAM) organisations, Workplaces, and other clubs as well. Some think that they have superiority, or that their opinionis the best. Not necessarily specific to Caterham, just a particular type of person!!!

Im not perfect either though.

[Edited on 7-33-10 by MakeEverything]

Daddylonglegs - 7/3/10 at 10:03 PM

Nope, he's a cock!

MakeEverything - 7/3/10 at 10:06 PM

Originally posted by balidey

or look at it from HIS point of view. you've jsut spent about £40,000 on a new car, its your pride and joy, not had it more than a week, been saving for years, wanted to build your own but family commitments meant you just couldn't, but now you've got one, one of the best performance cars money can buy and guess what...... every frikkin time you park up somewhere total strangers wander up to you as if they are your best mate and say 'oy mister, ow fast isit?' Or 'what injun its got unda ya bonnet'
So you decide the best option is just to act like a cock to them.
you never know, this is how it could have happened.
As usual we only see one side of the story

Sorry, I dont agree. Theres no excuse for that kind of response.
Whether teenagers, whipersnappers or the more mature of us, i would speak to them or make my excuses politely rather than being offensive.

Daddylonglegs - 7/3/10 at 10:07 PM

I'm with Rich on this one

Bumble - 7/3/10 at 10:11 PM

I met one recently, he's a neighbour of my out laws who it now transpires is a Caterham owner. I went over to speak to him yesterday (since outlaws have been telling him I'm building a "7" as he was in his drive working on the car when I dropped off my eldest daughter (age 6).
After my introduction and enthusiasm in his car his opening line viewed along his nose was along the lines of "Oh so you're bulding the replica that I've heard so much about". Thanked him for his help and called him a twit with an "a" then left. Don't think we'll be talking again. His loss as he could've learnt something. Thankfully inlaws don't really like him anyway!

adcatman - 7/3/10 at 10:12 PM

Sorry that you met a badun.

I'm sure that most of us are just petrol heads at heart and got the lucky chance to build a car. If I was a litel bit cleverer and had a bit more room I would have built one from scratch!


Enjoy what you do.
Best Regards

David Jenkins - 7/3/10 at 10:14 PM

You should have said "Oh, I thought it was a real Lotus!"

A1 - 7/3/10 at 10:15 PM

what a wanker

Humbug - 7/3/10 at 10:18 PM

As above - you just happened to meet a Caterham owner who's a 2@ - plenty of other groups of people have them too. Personally, I've met one or two with that attitude, but many more who are quite interested in my "car which looks quite like a Caterham but isn't actually one", without behaving like w@nkers.

David Jenkins - 7/3/10 at 10:30 PM

I've had many a cheery wave from Caterham and Westie owners, even though it's fairly clear that my car is not one of those. I've also had quite a few friendly conversations.

Just chalk this one as a 'pillock first-class', to be treated with contempt...

ashg - 7/3/10 at 11:00 PM

one of the lads from caterham was down at vosa gillingham with a customers car when i had my IVA. he was a really nice chap, complimented my car on the build quality. i got the feeling that they have a lot of customers that build cars with chequebooks rather than tools. certainly felt like there was a level of respect for building my own from scratch.

the chap agreed that caterhams these days are virtually production cars especially now they are starting to get type approvals for stuff.

personally i think caterhams are a boring car to look at as everything is just an off the shelf part. i love locosts, roadsters etc etc because no two ever end up the same.

sounds like the bloke you bumped into was a special character. there are places for people like that luckily its none of the shows we go to.

at events like stoneleigh,detling etc caterhams are out numbered by thousands so even the odd few special characters driving them tend to wind their necks in.

rf900rush - 7/3/10 at 11:02 PM

Wife's Uncle had one many years ago.

Heard about my Rush. Now he's gone a bought another caterham.

Not one to build, but still a decent bloke with no car snobbery at all.

Did get my own back a few years back.

Wife got me a Caterham 7 day.

Couple of owners turned up in the Own cars gloves and all.

I turn up Wife, Kids and Mum, and got 1st over all.
I don't think many shared my joy

Shame they could not drive. Round one, 1st went to a girl
That must of hurt.

Fortunately most are not tosser's

Met two car owners recently round my way.
One V8 MX5 and a V12 E-type. Both had the time to show off thier toys.

mangogrooveworkshop - 7/3/10 at 11:14 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
You should have said "Oh, I thought it was a real Lotus!"

Oh that really digs them..

Funny the caterham owner that was in my driveway today is nothing like that......he was helping me with my flintstone modification to my footwell.

In fact his car was in here for a week whilst we sorted his gearbox and clutch out.....

Nothing to do with caterhams just more cox seem to buy them as a rule of thumb......
Dont get me started about the sailing boats 29 feet and 6 inches long...blah blah....aye the six inches is the dildo on the tiller

Same thing in every crowd of money flashers....probably had an Iphone as well and the personality to match....

[Edited on 7-3-10 by mangogrooveworkshop]

[Edited on 7-3-10 by mangogrooveworkshop]

Fozzie - 8/3/10 at 12:02 AM

There are quite a lot of caterhams near me....I have always had a wave, a flash of headlights or a beep-beep........There is one in the next road from me, I have to go past to get on the main drag......if he is outside, always get a wave!

Out of curiosity...did they ever do a 'put it together yourself' version? as a couple of years back, there was BRG one parked near the shops, and I don't think that I have ever seen such a badly put together 'thing' in my life...

I have only had good experiences from the Cateringvan lot, sadly as has been said, I think the guy you had the misfortune to meet would have been like that no matter what they owned ....


morcus - 8/3/10 at 01:23 AM

You get people like that in all walks of life.

If you drive an unusual car you should expect people to be intrested in it and want to ask you questions, in the same way that If you get a fast looking car you should be expecting people to try and race you, it goes with the territory.

What you should've done is not mentioned locosts, you should've told him you've got a 'Real one' and were curious as to what they put in replicas.

RK - 8/3/10 at 01:50 AM

I must say that the guy who gave me some mirrors for FREE was a C'ham owner/builder. Nicest guy you'd ever want to meet. Don't let the guy put you off, although it does hurt a bit when you meet nasty people like that fellow "who couldn't build anything even if he wanted to, and if he did it would be crap". There's one in every crowd.

iank - 8/3/10 at 07:50 AM

I know a few Caterham owners, some of the nicest guys you could meet and not at all snobby, but they do say some of the people they meet at shows do the same as the numpty you met and give them the 'only a Classic/K series/Not a R500/no carbon or titanium' treatment.

There are people like that everywhere and in every hobby, just get on and build something you're happy with, and then if you get any grief suggest you're sorry they don't have the mechanical skills to build their own

mackei23b - 8/3/10 at 09:23 AM

Allways been friendly to me, in both the MK and Westfield.

Paul M - 8/3/10 at 11:18 AM

You must have embarassed him - he obviously had no idea what engine he had in.

Muppet, I've met a few over the years and have had similar experiences, also met a few decent petrol head types as well but they are in the minority, in my expereince anyway.

If you want real snobbery try going to a club Lotus meeting in a Westfield jacket.

You dont have to wait long to find out what other cars a Lotus owner has, where they go on holiday, how much they claim on expenses or why they prefer 1st class travel.

mcerd1 - 8/3/10 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshopSame thing in every crowd of money flashers....probably had an Iphone as well and the personality to match....

I bet he's an ice climber aswell....

[Edited on 8/3/10 by mcerd1]

MikeRJ - 8/3/10 at 08:09 PM

Originally posted by balidey
ior look at it from HIS point of view. you've jsut spent about £40,000 on a new car, its your pride and joy, not had it more than a week, been saving for years, wanted to build your own but family commitments meant you just couldn't, but now you've got one, one of the best performance cars money can buy and guess what...... every frikkin time you park up somewhere total strangers wander up to you as if they are your best mate and say 'oy mister, ow fast isit?' Or 'what injun its got unda ya bonnet'
So you decide the best option is just to act like a cock to them.

Sorry but that would MAKE him a weapons grade cock. You don't have to stay and talk for hours to every stranger who shows interest in your car, but a civil tongue costs nothing. If he goes around being rude to random people then he is far more likely to lose out when someone takes exception and something nasty happens to him or his car.

Originally posted by David Jenkins
You should have said "Oh, I thought it was a real Lotus!"

[Edited on 8/3/10 by MikeRJ]

welderman - 9/3/10 at 08:01 AM

I just think you got a tosser of a car driver in all aspectes of the word W@NKER, ive spoke to a few cateringvan driver/owners and there all ok, mate of mine has had a few including lots of other toys to drive.
You were unlucky, but dont let it put you off.


RK - 9/3/10 at 01:36 PM

The sad part is, that when his car breaks down in the parking lot (name a small English car that doesn't), there's one person who would very likely know what to do, but "won't be able to help unfortunately - love to - but got a family emergency etc."

goaty - 9/3/10 at 05:47 PM

got to say something here too, i have met many who are very frinedly and love to share info and stories, but on the other side i have met alot of caterham snobs, look down upon us who like to build them and tey seem to think caterham are whats being little they know.
ignore them then show them up if they are snobs in my eyes, cant wait till i back on road

bassett - 9/3/10 at 07:17 PM

The one chap id started talking to was a right badge snob soon as i mentioned what i owned it was like oooh not a caterham then. From all other brand kit cars ive always had a good chat with the owners as in general we are an open bunch and appreciate that DIY touch plus its rare you come across these niche market cars. Atleast ours arent all the same with a good foot between the rear tyre and the arch

At the same time maybe this was a one off or just part of a small minority as i guess it happens everywhere - your job status, the car you use everyday with engine size snobbery etc so i wont paint all caterham owners with the same brush just yet anyway.

Daddylonglegs - 9/3/10 at 08:39 PM

Just as Goaty said, he just showed his ignorance when assuming that all 7 look-alikes are based around his car make! Maybe it would be useful to leave a little history of the 7 document copy in the cockpit of all these 'higher beings' (assuming they can read of course)

boggle - 9/3/10 at 08:44 PM

i cant wait to see him on the road....

greenwood03 - 9/3/10 at 11:27 PM

Pity to see a thread like this - because as usual the actions of a minority gets blown out of all proportion, in turn creating the illusion that 'they must all be like that'
I've had the good fortune to meet a number of owners of Caterhams, not only have they been good blokes to have a chat with - they've also welcomed me to either join them on run outs, or have joined in with some of the 'intermarque' runs/meets that i've arranged.

Infact you'll find a high proportion of them having nothing but respect for guys that build their own car, irrespective of whether its a locost/tiger or whatever. There was a post some months back by a Cat owner who seemingly made a disparaging remark about a Tiger that was for sale. Reading his post a number of times I'm 99% certain that he wasn't poking fun, he was picking the owner of said car up on the description: Net result, 5 pages of posts ALL from Cat owners, - he basically got flamed as they saw his comment as unncessary and wrong.

To the OP - pity that you had that you experienced that conversation. However a bigger pity would be to let that cloud prospective views of the majorty. Beacuse in doing so the 'them + us' will forever continue. My personal opinion is that yep, there'll be a fair few knobs that own one, just the same as there's a fair few knobs that own tigers like mine. That's life!

Brommers - 10/3/10 at 12:06 AM

Absolutely - as with most things most are fine, some are total dick-wipes. IME there are two types of Caterham owners. The first group are proper petrol-heads, and appreciate any fellow petrol-head's enthusiasms.

The second group don't really care about cars or driving - they're just after another toy, another status symbol, another excuse to go willy/wallet-waving at the world. They chose a Caterham because it's an expensive toy they can boast about. Sadly, that group tend to be cocks.

The only thing I'd say is true about Caterham drivers generally is that they always look so bloody miserable when they're driving the damn things. Never worked that one out...

Ninehigh - 10/3/10 at 02:47 AM

Can't drive something like that and expect no-one to show an interest. I wouldn't be surprised if soon he has to fit holes to drain all the spit out of the cabin.

Last time someone was like that about their car my response was "race ya"

andkilde - 10/3/10 at 01:51 PM

Hmmn, don't know if this would translate but I drive an old Mini here in Canada, which is relatively uncommon. You get a lot of folks approach to ask about the "little" car. A fairly high percentage offer to buy it for a few hundred dollars. It gets old. I don't know if I've ever come off snippy with anyone but I imagine I've rolled my eyes at a lot of folks. Occasionally I'll rush off pretending to be in a hurry as I'm lacking the patience to grit my teeth on a given day.

With the Cateringvan owners I would imagine that many of them are simply less knowledgeable about their cars than builders. We can't all be anoraks


spdpug98 - 10/3/10 at 04:32 PM

I think it is a big shame that people are like that, it can happen in any situation and it is just that – that person is a c0ck!

One of the nicest people I have met since I built mine is a Caterham driver, he even refers to my car as a ‘7’, which may horrify other Cat’ owners.

Not long after building my car, I took it down to one of Poole Quay’s theme nights with this particular night being for the ‘7’. I had a feeling that they would probably send me round the other way and into the main car park! However, to my surprise they let me park it in the middle of all the Cat’s (probably about 100) from all over the South & South West. The next day I got an email from the Organiser from the Caterham Club thanking me for bringing the car down!