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Lathes and TIGs in Essex
GRRR - 8/3/10 at 03:48 PM


Does anyone know of a good machine shop for turning ally bushes and similar, and also someone or somewhere that can do TIG welding in Basildon/Essex??

I'm going to be needing an aluminium manifold welding soon and also some bushes to align the diff in my chassis.

Any help much appreciated!

James - 8/3/10 at 04:09 PM

Flak Monkey on here does turning for people- although I'm loathe to take his time away when he's meant to be finishing his Duratec install!!!


ashg - 8/3/10 at 04:27 PM

i can do it only down in kent so not to far to come. cant guarantee that my ali welding is the prettiest in the world but its not ugly either.

how many spacers do you want machined up?

russbost - 8/3/10 at 06:40 PM

J A Dawes Engineering on Manor Trading at Benfleet are excellent people to deal with for all small machining jobs - ask for Alan or John & tell them I sent you!
While you're there drop in & say hello, I'm a mile up the road - you also ought to join the Essex Kitcar Club - new members always welcome!
You have an excellent general workshop/MoT centre available to you if you're near Bas - Amethyst Automotive at Laindon

GRRR - 8/3/10 at 08:22 PM

Cool thanks for the replies, Russ I live in Laindon so will have to bear them in mind! Will take a look at the Essex Kit Car club, be a long time until the car is nearing driving stage though!

ashg thanks for the offer will definitely give you a shout when I know the width I need - think it will be 4 spacers about 16mm thick 10mm hole in the middle but not sure yet, will know this weekend.

I've seen Flak Monkey's website, wish he was closer! although ally spacers won't be too heavy on postage.

johnH20 - 8/3/10 at 09:06 PM

There is a guy on the Burnt Mills estate who is absolute magic at all kinds of welding. Hope he will be doing a manifold for me in the next week or so. I know where he is but do not have address details. I will advise after I visit.

flak monkey - 8/3/10 at 09:10 PM

I can make you odd ali bushes etc, if you U2U me some details I can give you a price and lead time

nike5 - 18/3/10 at 01:02 PM

are thinking of
on the burnt mills industrial estate

boggle - 18/3/10 at 03:22 PM

i can get ali welding done, but you would need to post your item