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Anyone have closeups of their locost grill?
beagley - 10/3/10 at 04:55 PM

I'm playing around in visual studio and am tinkering with a photo idea. Only problem is I don't have a locost yet.

Anybody out there have a nice high-res photo of the front of their car? Preferrably at nose cone height...... but beggars can't be choosers.

If you do, could you either post a link to your album, or post picture in thread.



boggle - 10/3/10 at 04:59 PM

will show you mine next week.....

when i have made it....

Hellfire - 10/3/10 at 05:07 PM

Not particularly hi-res but may be useful?


beagley - 10/3/10 at 05:17 PM

Thanks Phil, that should do nicely.

You would think I do enough software development for work, but I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.

iscmatt - 10/3/10 at 05:48 PM

heres another, slightly different

[Edited on 10/3/10 by iscmatt]

iscmatt - 10/3/10 at 05:50 PM

and from slightly further away

locoR1 - 10/3/10 at 06:00 PM

Best close up i could find


rusty nuts - 10/3/10 at 07:29 PM

<--- That's mine on the left <---

cjtheman - 10/3/10 at 10:19 PM

mine before fitted to the car

cjtheman - 10/3/10 at 10:21 PM

here's mine

cjtheman - 10/3/10 at 10:24 PM

here is mine brfore fitted to the car Rescued attachment grill finished.JPG
Rescued attachment grill finished.JPG

Steve Hignett - 10/3/10 at 10:30 PM

beagley - 11/3/10 at 03:35 PM

Thanks all! I've got several options now. I might get to a point where I can show off my handywork but for now its off to photoshop! Thanks again everyone.

dlatch - 14/3/10 at 09:08 PM