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Bloody good day
Mark Allanson - 2/5/04 at 09:24 PM

Today Ian (Robinbastd) came round at about 11:00 for a look at the car, he stayed 'til about 5:00, to help out a bit.

We got loads done, the handbrake, rear axle brake pipe, rubbered the fuel tank and chatted for ages, swapped some bits and pieces

Bloody good day Rescued attachment Robinbastd.jpg
Rescued attachment Robinbastd.jpg

robinbastd - 2/5/04 at 09:57 PM

That invisible spanner's a good bit of kit!!
Thoroughly enjoyed myself mate.
I reckon I'll be down there again soon.

Mark Allanson - 2/5/04 at 10:13 PM

as I said 'bloody good day'

stephen_gusterson - 2/5/04 at 10:22 PM

im confused.

we have all been sorry for you cos you are building outside, now it looks like you have an A++ garage environment.....

did I miss something?



Mark Allanson - 2/5/04 at 10:42 PM

From pauper to king, yes, I now have access to the best, most upto date workshop ever, 4 post ramp, 2 post ramp, full 4x4 wheel alignment equipment, ultimate welding equipment, 4k of stock sundries, bloody luxury

The car is now at work, my boss now realises the happier I am, the richer he will be!!!

Ian (robinbastd) was in fits of laughter, when we were fitting the handbrake, when he helped a bit ...zzzzzzzzzzzzz, I raised the car another 12" (he is about 6'13"!!).

The difference is fantastic, I was so dependant on the weather, now any spare moment I can work on the car, the progress is amazing, what took months before now takes hours

stephen_gusterson - 3/5/04 at 08:55 AM

I am really pleased that you have such nice facilities - but at the same time you are a total b%^tard, cos thats nowt like I have to put up with!

Your chassis has gone from looking a bit sad outside to a lovely little yellow number (shades of yourkie advert?)

Liked the way you wrapped the front panels under too




Originally posted by Mark Allanson
From pauper to king, yes, I now have access to the best, most upto date workshop ever, 4 post ramp, 2 post ramp, full 4x4 wheel alignment equipment, ultimate welding equipment, 4k of stock sundries, bloody luxury

The car is now at work, my boss now realises the happier I am, the richer he will be!!!

Ian (robinbastd) was in fits of laughter, when we were fitting the handbrake, when he helped a bit ...zzzzzzzzzzzzz, I raised the car another 12" (he is about 6'13"!!).

The difference is fantastic, I was so dependant on the weather, now any spare moment I can work on the car, the progress is amazing, what took months before now takes hours

Peteff - 3/5/04 at 01:33 PM

You mean you didn't manage to sell him anything while you were there? When's the invisible spanner going on the market so the rest of us can make the same progress.

robinbastd - 3/5/04 at 09:18 PM

The spanner will be available on my soon to be launched ecommerce site,trouble with them is you can never find the bloody things when you put them down.

Mark Allanson - 3/5/04 at 09:37 PM

I can't find the ordinary ones when I put then down!!

PS . Ian, nosecone finally fitted properly and bonnet under the straps, just getting used to being there!!!

JJM - 3/5/04 at 09:44 PM

Nice workshop.....