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anyone had this problem???
boggle - 19/3/10 at 04:54 PM

was nearing the end of my build and found that there were a few bits that i could have done better, so i decided to pull it all apart and start again...

is this normall???

eznfrank - 19/3/10 at 04:59 PM

That depends, would it have passed IVA as it was? Why not get that out of thge way and then pull apart to your hearts content?

In the words of B A Baracas - crazy fool!!

boggle - 19/3/10 at 05:01 PM

the car is allready registered....the old owner stripped it down a fair few years ago to rebuild it and never got around to it........

so i bought it all in bits.....but i got excited and rushed a few things like the rear pannell and axle so thought i would pull it apart and redo them.....

speedyxjs - 19/3/10 at 05:12 PM

I do

eznfrank - 19/3/10 at 05:14 PM

oh well in that case that's only semi-crazy, depends if you'll miss the summer?!

MikeRJ - 19/3/10 at 05:15 PM

Originally posted by boggle
was nearing the end of my build and found that there were a few bits that i could have done better, so i decided to pull it all apart and start again...

is this normall???

I'm worse, much worse. I think about something for ages, start it and then think of a better way before I'm even half way through

StevieB - 19/3/10 at 06:02 PM

It's quite normal - there are oarts of my car that I would definately have done differently but have resisted the urge. One of my mates reckons it's aleady one of the better put together cars he's seen and it's only because I've spent 4 years on the build that I notice every minute details and imperfection.

Besides, I kind of got the impression that half of kit car ownership is all about the puling apart and making better along the way.

MakeEverything - 19/3/10 at 06:37 PM

I was the same with the engine Barry.

I was going to modify the renault, then change it for a Zetec 130, then RV8 then 24V Cosworth!!

I had a feeling you would as well, because of the conversations weve had about rusty bits etc.

02GF74 - 19/3/10 at 07:01 PM

unfortunately yes.

all part of the learning process - the trick is to know what is acceptable and what is not.

Coopz - 19/3/10 at 07:14 PM

Yup on most jobs! no wonder why im not on target date.

hicost blade - 19/3/10 at 07:48 PM

I have done everything 2-4 times...... I'm doing the aluminum panelling at the moment and I'm on my 3rd sheet of 8 x 4', I have only managed to make 4 panels that I'm happy with!!!

RK - 19/3/10 at 09:11 PM

Agree with all of the above. I don't know why, but it's never good enough.

daviep - 19/3/10 at 11:29 PM

ah constantly...........mmm beer