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mangogrooveworkshop - 23/3/10 at 07:43 PM

EEEEEK what where they thinking

gottabedone - 23/3/10 at 07:49 PM

adds a new meaning to mid-engined

deanwelch - 23/3/10 at 07:51 PM

i think handling my be an issue..............

Daddylonglegs - 23/3/10 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by deanwelch
i think handling my be an issue..............

I think 'hanging on' may be more of one though

bi22le - 23/3/10 at 07:57 PM

loads o' space you could fit a third one in there.

It would be like tractor pulling.

flak monkey - 23/3/10 at 07:59 PM

Theres 2 engines, and both run, but only the back one drives the wheels

Litemoth - 23/3/10 at 08:02 PM

Are those cross-ply tyres?? Would be a might skittish i recon

Ivan - 23/3/10 at 08:14 PM

Anyway - he won't be taken for exceeding the Db readings - he'll break the meter before they can get a measurement with those exhausts..

Interesting question - do you link up the motors at 90 deg, 180 deg or 360 degree or at what rotation.

skodaman - 23/3/10 at 10:38 PM

Perfect 50/50 weight distribution with an average sized American in the driver's seat. Should handle well.

ReMan - 23/3/10 at 10:50 PM

Well I 'd drive it if it was given to me

Rod Ends - 23/3/10 at 11:02 PM

One at each end

wilkingj - 24/3/10 at 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Litemoth
Are those cross-ply tyres?? Would be a might skittish i recon

Thats so he can break traction and smoke the tyres for effect

Nice car, but not my cup of tea.

Simon - 24/3/10 at 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Rod Ends
One at each end

Yeah, a couple of A series, must be producing at least 80bhp between them



MikeRJ - 24/3/10 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Simon
Yeah, a couple of A series, must be producing at least 80bhp between them

Downton tuned 1071 Cooper S engine would be about that each. Still not a lot by modern standards I suppose.

Rod Ends - 24/3/10 at 10:47 PM

taking part in all of Sydney Allard‘s "Drag-Fests" the car made a best standing start 1/4 mile pass of 10:9,
beating tony Marsh in the Ferguson P99 ex Stilring moss 4 wheel drive car in the process!