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Who's car was this... ???
scootz - 28/3/10 at 04:02 PM


I've always thought they overpriced their stock, but this is a new level of hopefulness!

prawnabie - 28/3/10 at 04:04 PM

I think it was bi22le's

bi22le - 28/3/10 at 04:09 PM

oh thats mine!
As soon as i saw the title my heart sunk. I just had a feeling.
That is a complete right off and can only be used for spares.
I feel sad seeing that again. . . .

scootz - 28/3/10 at 04:18 PM

bi22le! I knew I'd seen it on here, but just couldn't quite recollect who owned it!

MakeEverything - 28/3/10 at 04:28 PM

Sounds to me like we might see iton the road again with different plates and chassis number......

scootz - 28/3/10 at 04:39 PM

More likely the same plates and chassis number, but a very different car!

iank - 28/3/10 at 04:51 PM

For over £3k I doubt it will be used as a V5 donor (unless the scrappy sells it separately - which would be a very bad idea if he were caught).

If you could get it, with v5, for £2k you could legally rebuild into a new OEM spec chassis and avoid IVA. Assuming the engine's ok that wouldn't be a bad deal.

bi22le - 28/3/10 at 05:00 PM

when they collected it it had no plates or chassiss plate on it. Surly this means that they cant even prove that the v5 belongs to that car. I did sign ownership over to the insurance company. Due to it being a cat b right off i was not allowed to buy it and repair it. So how can it now be sold for on the road?

prawnabie - 28/3/10 at 05:03 PM

Ive just phoned someone who is involved with DV and they said they think is being sold as a track car with no v5

scootz - 28/3/10 at 05:03 PM

If it was Cat B, then I'd be on the phone to DVLA... they're selling it as a road legal track car!

scootz - 28/3/10 at 05:04 PM

Posted last message at the same time as Prawnabie... that's the only explanation that I can think of!

prawnabie - 28/3/10 at 05:14 PM

yep deffo no V5 sold with car - in fact only paperwork that they had with the car was some police paperwork about how the accident came to be lol

bi22le - 28/3/10 at 06:12 PM

Strange, the police were not involved at ANY time on the incident.
Glad they have not paperwork.
Ill keep an eye on it and see if it goes!

Mark Allanson - 28/3/10 at 06:58 PM

Salvors usually pay 15% of payout value for cat B's, Bi22le now knows what the markup is!

scootz - 28/3/10 at 07:05 PM

Go on... spill those beans!

Jimbob - 28/3/10 at 08:38 PM

what happened? track or road? and hope your ok fella