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Thanks Boggle
eddie99 - 12/4/10 at 08:56 PM

Got a circle lasercut by Boggle, got it within 48hours of ordering! Very Impressed, Finally got round to using it to fit the gaitor. Here a sneek preview before the pics of it in the car will be posted tomorrow!

Gaitor 1
Gaitor 1

Gaiter 2
Gaiter 2

eddie99 - 12/4/10 at 08:57 PM

And before you say my gaitor in white is gay! It looks cool when everything in the car is black or white!

Ben_Copeland - 12/4/10 at 09:05 PM

Very nice... whats the screen in the centre for?

eddie99 - 12/4/10 at 09:09 PM

Its for a little VI performance gadget. If i had used the original ecu on engine (original plan). It would have worked well but because i've gone omex, means most of the stuff on the gadget wont work such as 0-60 and 0-100-0 But the g meter still will
Looking for a similar size satnav to squeeze in there now!

iDENTITi - 12/4/10 at 09:15 PM

Originally posted by eddie99
Its for a little VI performance gadget. If i had used the original ecu on engine (original plan). It would have worked well but because i've gone omex, means most of the stuff on the gadget wont work such as 0-60 and 0-100-0 But the g meter still will
Looking for a similar size satnav to squeeze in there now!

Nuvi 200 looks a similar size. Measure it up and I'll see. I have a partially disassembled one on my desk that you can have really cheap, it needs a usb cable or port soldered on though.

eddie99 - 12/4/10 at 09:15 PM

U2U coming your way!

MakeEverything - 12/4/10 at 09:16 PM

Another thumbs up from me for Locost Motorsport Engineering!

speedyxjs - 13/4/10 at 05:53 AM

Looks great and i love your centre consol

carpmart - 13/4/10 at 10:12 AM

Agreed, looks really good!