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Help, identify this steering wheel.
scotty g - 29/5/10 at 09:04 AM

Hi all,
i got my hands on this lovely little steering wheel and boss a few weeks ago but its no good to me so i'm gonna ebay it but i have no idea what it is or what it fits.
Never seen one like it before, you will notice that it doesn't have an inner ring like the mountney wheels, instead the spokes bolt straight to the boss. Wierd!!!
Any ideas guys?

adithorp - 29/5/10 at 09:13 AM

Think there's something missing there... like a picture.


blue2cv - 29/5/10 at 09:22 AM

Thats why he cant identify it, its invisible

bi22le - 29/5/10 at 09:23 AM

What is this guess the wheel.

Pici pic pic?

I suppose its a bit like the steering wheel on my old car.


scootz - 29/5/10 at 09:30 AM

Now that's a tiny wheel... I can't see it!

mangogrooveworkshop - 29/5/10 at 09:58 AM

Its a NONO brand from CHINA

No picture and no boss

RAYLEE29 - 29/5/10 at 04:05 PM

Its an anti theft device lol
bit like the cloaking device i must have on my car sometimes cause nobody can see it.

l0rd - 29/5/10 at 05:17 PM

Is it this one?