My bike test. just got home 20 mins ago. just need to finish building the bike now so i can ride it.
What are you building (bike)?
old zx10. yzf rear end.
Nice one chap, passed my mod 2 sat too
Congratz! Cant wait to see your bike when its finished!
Getting my new bike in a couple of weeks, lets hope we get the weather now!
Well done that man. Now is the time to take the most care ever and you will really start to learn to ride and defend yourself against all the dangers
of the road.
Also you'll find that riding a bike makes you a better driver too.
Probably doesn't appear in the Highway Code but as a biker treat every other road user as a complete t*sser regardless of how, where and when
you come across them!
Also interesting to read a copy of the Police Riders Manual to develop your skills.
Enjoy the freedom.
Cheers, Pewe
As said makes you a better car driver too - so Well Done!
I'm with MikeCapon, now the learning starts.
Well done, and take it real easy to start with, it's too easy to get carried away. Here's to a long, dry summer
Originally posted by cloudy
Nice one chap, passed my mod 2 sat too