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Sheet Metal Companies in Thames Valley
Scott W - 11/6/10 at 08:02 AM


Firstly mods/admin, if this is in the wrong section then apologies in advance but I wasn't quite sure which bit it should go in.

Anyway, I need to get some sheet metal work done for our Locoblade and as a) we don't have any kit and b) don't have a clue I'm looking for a local company to do some work for me. We've already made up the templates from cardboard and I'm sure it wouldn't take a professional too long to do the work but can anybody recommend either a person or a company in the Thames Valley/North Hampshire area that could do the work for us?

Thanks in advance if you can help!

Mal - 11/6/10 at 09:59 AM

If you don't have any other leads is your friend. Look under sheet metal companies, fabricators or possibly welders.