hi everyone.....
been dreading putting this post up.....
not posted for a while as ive been through a very rough patch but none the less its no excuse for hiding.....
sorry to anyone who has asked for work to be done or had orders that have not materialised....unfortunatly i cannot do any work at the mo as im in
limbo of workshops and having to stay with relatives.......if you have any work outstanding please ring me so i can sort out either refunding you or
sorting the jobs via other channells.....
all i can say is never get married!!!!!
once again, sorry to all........
and im not selling the car, it will just have to wait for a bit!!!
sorry to hear about your "situation" i havent got anything ordered with you. but when you do get back online i want a few bits cutting out.
paddles & pedal arms and engine mounts.
hope all sorts itself out soon.
keep your chin up Barry, just think you have a brighter future ahead of you. You , the car & the open roads!
Yep, chin up mate and I too would recommend the never get married bit.... some of them just don't understand cars or male bonding...
Chin up old chap. divorce is expensive but worth it.
Been there, dunit, been happy now for many years.
Regards Denis.
Sorry to hear, but as everyone has said - a brighter future is ahead of you. I'm sure everyone with outstanding orders will understand.
Been there myself 3 times (does that make me a success or failure at marriage?) Each time I lost a house!
Quick bit of advice, keep your assets in boats, cars or planes... Ex-wives (and their solicitors) don't seem to be interested in those.
Good luck
they are if they think they're worth something.
keep your chin up Barry I have just come out of a divorce very painful i wish you lots of luck all the best mate
Chin up mate, happens to the best of us. Things will turn themselves around in time.If you have kids just keep them reassured that its nothing they
have done.
And on a lighter note - did you know the word DIVORCE is an old latin word. Meaning to extract a man's genitals through his wallet!!
Originally posted by breezy
And on a lighter note - did you know the word DIVORCE is an old latin word. Meaning to extract a man's genitals through his wallet!!
Sorry to hear it's not working out Barry. But as already said, chin-up
Been there too, came out the other side (wiser I think ), and things do get sorted mate. Take it easy, and glad to hear you're keeping the
Good luck chap
sorry to hear about current crap situation. let us know when your workshop is open again. will probably have a few orders by then.
You know when you said "Don't get married" I thought what's the divorce going to be like if this is the marriage?
Luckily the missus's ex has beaten all thoughts of marriage out of her
Hope you get back on your feet soon Boggle
hi barry
sorry to hear it! i thought things were fine when we popped down
now concentrate on that car of yours
Sorry to hear it Barry! Hope you get it all sorted out quickly and painless.