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My nurburgring trip, how do you want the story?
bi22le - 1/7/10 at 10:04 PM

Well you may or may not know that I went to the ring last weekend. It was eventfull to say the least!

Do people want a full story with pics or just a general break down?

I thought that if I illaberate instead of just giving a round up it would be more of a useful read.

Thoughts please.

[Edited on 1/7/10 by bi22le]

blakep82 - 1/7/10 at 10:06 PM

erm, well, don't know if its worth reading without any info at all

soooo, write a summary, and the whole thing

sorens2 - 1/7/10 at 10:47 PM

I was there as well.
And I wan´t the hole story and pics.

Soren S2 Rescued attachment 1111111.jpg
Rescued attachment 1111111.jpg

bi22le - 1/7/10 at 11:01 PM

I know you was there, you showed me your tat!!

Did you beat your 8:23?

sorens2 spotted
sorens2 spotted

Awsome car by the way.

sorens2 - 1/7/10 at 11:31 PM

Yes I did.
8:08 in heavy trafic.
Overtook 20-30 cars on the way round.
So a sub 8 min time is not a problem.

Soren S2

[Edited on 1/7/10 by sorens2]

omega0684 - 2/7/10 at 05:51 AM

if you get rid of your passenger you might even get sub 7:30

bmseven - 2/7/10 at 06:40 AM

Originally posted by omega0684
if you get rid of your passenger you might even get sub 7:30

But only if he remembers his camera mount otherwise we won't be able to see the footage

Grimsdale - 2/7/10 at 07:17 AM

give us all you've got!

Flamez - 2/7/10 at 07:32 AM

For god sake yes the suspense is killing me...

Hope the steering wheel stayed on....

MakeEverything - 2/7/10 at 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Flamez
For god sake yes the suspense is killing me...

Hope the steering wheel stayed on....


nick205 - 2/7/10 at 07:43 AM

A detailed write up with photos is the way to go. Those that haven't been will learn a lot and may pick up some tips for planning a trip. Those that have been will no doubt be comparing their own experiences and highs/lows.

Take your time over the weekend and we'll be ready to critique.

coozer - 2/7/10 at 08:07 AM

Is it a horror story or is it exciting?

Pictures of devastation or superb lap times?

Come on, we all want the juicy details...

Guinness - 2/7/10 at 08:45 AM

It wouldn't be 7 'ing if it wasn't interesting.........

dhutch - 2/7/10 at 09:12 AM

I want to know what i should do differently for my ring trip, leaving on tuesday!!

Werner Van Loock - 3/7/10 at 06:26 PM


Grimsdale - 5/7/10 at 07:23 AM

Don't leave us all in suspense!

bi22le - 5/7/10 at 12:06 PM

I have posted the story in Driving.

Have a read and enjoy!