i currently have a car with a aero screen with full cage, although im looking at getting rid as i dont have a normalish car i can use for for fun over
the winter months and if i have to nip out to get something, what im considering doing is fitting a screen and some weather gear so it can be used
more often
so anyone that has screen and weather gear how is it to use in bad weather and are there any drawbacks, i know most cars dont have screens anymore but
its just an idea as the car im looking to replace it with is a hell of a lot more to insure me only being young
watching this thread with interest, considering a similar thing to make the car more useable come winter (I know I know!)
Originally posted by Dangle_kt
watching this thread with interest, considering a similar thing to make the car more useable come winter (I know I know!)
I understand a windscreen adds the need for wipers/washer bottle and demister/heater - which will all add up in £££ and weight, as will the full
weather gear/half doors.
There are a few on here who use their cars in all sorts of weather, so it is do-able.
But I guess its like having a motorbike, you can ride in the wet with the right gear on, but do you WANT to?
I fitted a screen to mine for similar reasons and with a set of full height side screens it does make the car a lot more driveable. Even without a
roof a bit of rain doesn't cause too many problems, and it is much warmer in cold weather.
Fitting wipers is easy enough.
I don't have a roof yet, at least not one that fits until I get to grips with my sewing macine.
However without the sidescreens it is worse in the rain than an aero screen as the rain comes over the top / sides of the screen.
With a roof and screens I suspect some form of demister will be needed.
with my old bec i was always under the school of thought that if your car has no padding or carpets then just drill a hole in your seat and get out in the rain!
Originally posted by bi22le
with my old bec i was always under the school of thought that if your car has no padding or carpets then just drill a hole in your seat and get out in the rain!