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Another Ringer
r1_pete - 8/7/10 at 05:44 PM

Is This another ringer?? Whatever a Redliner might be...

Paul (Notts) - 8/7/10 at 05:52 PM

Does not look 20 years old>>>>

bigrich - 8/7/10 at 05:53 PM

think its DIY Si's from on here.

r1_pete - 8/7/10 at 05:56 PM

Mmm, was interested in having a look till I read the bit about registration.....

AdrianH - 8/7/10 at 06:33 PM

Perhaps redliner was just a name the maker gave it with the idea of screwing the engine to it's red line!

Just a though. But 20 years old?


SeaBass - 8/7/10 at 06:39 PM

People love this ringer term eh?

It's simple. When I registered my Locost after the SVA I was asked what I would like the manufacturer and model to be. I chose these as I saw fit. I was allocated the correct 1979 age related plate due to me proving I had used sufficient component from one 79 donor vehicle. My car was not 20 years old and the "date of first use on the V5" was the day I registered quite correctly in 2003. The registration date however was 79.

People are using the term ringer incorrectly. That would be where I purchased a crashed car and built/stole an identical car and swapped the identities.

I've never heard of a Redline therefore I would assume that was what the builder called himself as the manufacturer.

The registration process is interesting because although that is clearly an MK kit. The actual manufacturer is the person who built it and signed the "amateur build declaration" therefore he could register as he wanted.


[Edited on 8/7/10 by SeaBass]

r1_pete - 8/7/10 at 06:59 PM

OK, so sierra column, sierra disks all round, presumably as its an indy it has mainly sierra or freelander back axle components, none of these parts were available in 1980.

I know nothing about registering or amateur build declaration, but 1980 reg and the parts list put me off looking, as I thought to get a 1980 reg 5 or more major components needed to come from that year, as that is how it is with motorcycles.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but as I'm going to be close on Daventry tomorrow, and on the lookout for another toy (finally selling the bike) I'd get some impartial advice.

RichardK - 8/7/10 at 07:07 PM

Reckon he just filled out the sva form with Redliner as the manufacturer like I did with Killer Cars and The Bruise as the model.

I got an age related plate too but obviously the date of first reg in uk is the important date on the v5

If I not mistaken it doesn't mention the running gear which could be off an escort mk2 or capri etc.

I personally think its ok and not a ringer but would go and crawl over it to be sure



[Edited on 8/7/10 by RichardK]

Paul (Notts) - 8/7/10 at 07:23 PM ials/scorpion.html&usg=__VSOXYZxTPKH4mBm3PIcn2crDrwo=&h=330&w=450&sz=38&hl=en&start=2&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=36cI0o4MP4 Zn_M:&tbnh=93&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3DRedliner%2Bkit%2Bcar%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1

Above link indicates that the redliner was an imp based special type kit car ?

edit however the above link does not work

[Edited on 8/7/10 by Paul (Notts)]

RichardK - 8/7/10 at 07:42 PM

but thats a one off? A kit was never available...

Stott - 8/7/10 at 07:42 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
OK, so sierra column, sierra disks all round, presumably as its an indy it has mainly sierra or freelander back axle components, none of these parts were available in 1980.

I know nothing about registering or amateur build declaration, but 1980 reg and the parts list put me off looking, as I thought to get a 1980 reg 5 or more major components needed to come from that year, as that is how it is with motorcycles.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but as I'm going to be close on Daventry tomorrow, and on the lookout for another toy (finally selling the bike) I'd get some impartial advice.

But in reality the points process doesn't quite work to the book. When I had one assesed in 1997 for donor plate retention, it went something like,
hi mr inspector, d'ya wanna cup of tea?,
yes please, love one, cool car mate, when's it gonna be done?,
dunno, as soon as hopefully!
haha, yeah, good luck, here's your approval form, all the best!!!

They are quite often enthusiasts and realise the importance (to us) that we get donor or age related plates so as long as you haven't welded a ship to a helicopter and tried to pass it off as a motorbike, I think they use a bit of discretion

That car looks good to me anyway!

[Edited on 8/7/10 by Stott]

thefreak - 8/7/10 at 07:49 PM

Why not ask the seller?

coozer - 8/7/10 at 08:55 PM

Its sitting on a 1980 W plate and date of manufacture says 1980. From that i would assume its wrongly registered to avoid SVA as neither Sierra's or MK's were available in them days.

Unless thats a cherished number and it say's MK on the V5 its wrong, possibly illegal.

SeaBass - 8/7/10 at 09:05 PM

Can you read? See my post above

Originally posted by coozer
Unless thats a cherished number and it say's MK on the V5 its wrong, possibly illegal.

[Edited on 8/7/10 by SeaBass]

coozer - 8/7/10 at 09:18 PM

Yes I can read. What exactly are you pointing to? I can see you used a 79 donor and I'm pointing out the Sierra donor wasn't available then.

I have a car in the garage that was built using a 74 donor but has 92 on the log book.

DavidM - 8/7/10 at 10:14 PM

You only need two major components for an age related plate. If it was originally built using Sierra components, but with a crossflow and 4 speed from a 1980 Escort, the V5 from the Escort could still be used to obtain a 1980 age related plate. That of course may not be the case, but it is a possibility and there are probably many others, so it's impossible to say unless you are in possession of all the facts. Si is not trying to pass it off as anything other than what it is.