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pekwah1 - 3/9/10 at 03:34 PM

Hi guys,

i have the opportunity to buy an mg zs 1.8 for peanuts...
would this variety of k series engine be a good choice for my diddy striker assuming i will replace the hg for something stronger...

as far as i can work out, these came with 115 bhp as standard... I will be trying to link it to my type 9 so i think that this is possible with a new bellhousing?

Thought it could be worth it considering i'll have the whole car, so engine, loom, ecu, keys, etc....

Hammerhead - 3/9/10 at 03:39 PM

in my vast experience this route will a) cost more than you expect to adapt b) more difficult than you imagine to make work

If I was starting again and didnt have a zero miles K series in my garage to use. I would have gone another route.......even BEC

pekwah1 - 3/9/10 at 03:41 PM

So what's going to cost that much and why is it so difficult?

steve m - 3/9/10 at 03:50 PM

Can i have your xflows ??

pekwah1 - 3/9/10 at 03:51 PM

check your u2u steve...!

steve m - 3/9/10 at 03:54 PM

I know, hahahaha

made me laugh

pekwah1 - 3/9/10 at 03:56 PM

but anyway, back on topic, worth it or not? I need to give an answer to the guy by tomorrow lunch time or it's going to the scrappers....!

lewis - 3/9/10 at 04:02 PM

Is that the engine combo you have always wanted or is it just cause it's cheap? If you are compromising then I think you will regret it in the long run if it was me I'd be going zetec,plenty of people have done it and alot of info ect.

pekwah1 - 3/9/10 at 04:23 PM

well i've always like the k series, the way it revs and the character....
but yes, the main reason at the moment is that i've been offered one nice and cheap...

Humbug - 3/9/10 at 04:30 PM

Take it, assuming the engine's in reasonable nick. I have a standard 1.4 K series with original ECU, inlet manifold, etc. and the most difficult thing to do (which I paid someone else for...) was to connect up the wires to the rest of the car. If you've got all the loom etc. it shouldn't be a problem.

The things you will need to connect it to a Type 9 are a bellhousing, Ford clutch arm and bearing, clutch (can't remember what type I got), starter and maybe a spacer.

Also, the K is a nice light engine so that may be a factor in comparison with a Zetec, etc.

pekwah1 - 3/9/10 at 04:32 PM

yeh i know it's also fairly light which is good. as stated i'd be getting the entire car so the loom and ecu are all there

StevieB - 3/9/10 at 05:15 PM

Remember that these engines were standard fit it Caterhams for a long time, so the parts for the conversion are readily available (if possibly a little pricey, but in my experience Caterham parts are no more expensive than anywhere else for some things).

MikeRJ - 3/9/10 at 07:47 PM

AFAIK the larger 1.8 flywheel/clutch doesn't fit into the Caterham bellhousing, you need to fit the unit from a 1.4. or 1.6.

The K series is an excellent choice for a 7 IMO, but since you are mating it to a Ford box it will inevitably take a bit more work than a Zetec to fit.

stevec - 3/9/10 at 08:07 PM

I love mine, loads of torque and it goes like stink aswell.

britishtrident - 3/9/10 at 09:18 PM

1.8 is actually the least desirable of the 3 engines sizes the 1.6 and 1.4 are much more free revving.

K16 Horse power claims by Rover varied a bit as cats were much more restrictive on later engines.
1.4 102-104 hp (also a de-rated 81hp version)
1.6 112 to 116 hp
1.8 116 to 120 hp as fitted in Saloons and Freelander