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First 10 mile shake down.
big_wasa - 16/9/10 at 11:16 AM

Just taken it for a proper shake down. A private farm track, bumpy but 4 miles long

first rael drive
first rael drive

Nothing fell off.......

Bumble - 16/9/10 at 11:26 AM

Superb......any video footage??

andy188 - 16/9/10 at 12:01 PM

great news, how did it feel, bet you had a grin ear to ear, congrats.

big_wasa - 16/9/10 at 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Bumble
Superb......any video footage??

I put the wife on video duty and thats the best she could manage. And another still of her feet. She couldnt read the sat nav either as I was trying to gauge how far out the speedo was. Ever so funny when a bug went down her top.

It was quick but to bumpy to really play.
Loads of torque, it span the wheels in first,second and third
Lift of the power and a tug of the wheel and plant it, the back end comes out I love Rwd.

I am tempted to sell it and build another.
Could do with a touch more room and love the building.

[Edited on 16/9/10 by big_wasa]

RichN - 16/9/10 at 03:32 PM

That must be a great feeling. I am trying to find somewhere to take my RIOT to for a shakedown before IVA. Any ideas?

jollygreengiant - 16/9/10 at 05:41 PM

That first shake down drive is a great feeling. My first shake down drive was an 80 mile one, SVA, ..................................................................Superb was and still is the only thing that comes to mind.

watsonpj - 16/9/10 at 06:11 PM

Whats this great "Feat" taht she can do


And another still of her feat.

or is it not to share

lotusmadandy - 16/9/10 at 08:15 PM

Well done that man........

The first real drive is always the best


eddie99 - 16/9/10 at 08:35 PM

Its a great feeling isn't it!!! Your a bugger for having a 4mile piece of road you can drive it down lol