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Green MNR on M6
stevec - 19/9/10 at 02:52 PM

Went by you this afternoon in the tin top, Hope you enjoyed the big bag of Wine gums on your lap.


rusty nuts - 19/9/10 at 04:43 PM

Bit like the Caterham I saw on the M11 at lunchtime, the driver was picking his nose. Anyone on here? but then again I don't suppose he will admit it?

amalyos - 19/9/10 at 05:42 PM

Was probably George on his way back from Stafford.

stevec - 19/9/10 at 06:34 PM

Yes it was I think, he had the Essex logo on the back of the car.

GeorgeM - 19/9/10 at 06:53 PM

It was me !!!!!

I ran out of wine gums at cambridge

takes a bit of practise popping them at 70 (ish) with the lid on

Agriv8 - 19/9/10 at 06:55 PM

got home ok George ? weather was cr4p going north



GeorgeM - 19/9/10 at 07:01 PM

few minutes of drizzle, but yes thanks, a good drive
looks like next couple of days will be ok, but then winter is here.....

exciting weekend wasn't it ........

dhutch - 19/9/10 at 08:51 PM

Missed you, but i hope your stint on the M6 was drier than mine, in the pouring from Rossendale to uttoxeter in the westfield.

Passed a cateringvan on the way round the tescos round about tho! Waved.


Andi - 19/9/10 at 10:56 PM

Originally posted by dhutch
Missed you, but i hope your stint on the M6 was drier than mine, in the pouring from Rossendale to uttoxeter in the westfield.

Passed a cateringvan on the way round the tescos round about tho! Waved.


If that was today Sunday, bout 2ish twas me.
I can only afford the cateringvan "7" grill logo though

AdamCKC - 20/9/10 at 02:20 PM

Originally posted by GeorgeM
It was me !!!!!

I ran out of wine gums at cambridge

takes a bit of practise popping them at 70 (ish) with the lid on

I think I saw you on the A130 at about 5.30ish on Sunday afternoon (I was on the opposite carriageway). I guess you can't go anywhere without being spotted in a car that brightly coloured!

GeorgeM - 20/9/10 at 02:33 PM

you'd be surprised... the number of times people pull out in front of me

one of the reasons I chose the colour tbh