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LoCost Stockcar Racing
stevedenbigh - 27/8/02 at 01:44 PM

This is a shameless plug for the stockcar racing I have recently begun doing, though I'm sure it will appeal to some of you Locosters. Its called modstox, and more info can be found at . You can design and build your own car from scratch, build by copying someone elses design, buy an already built chassis and add powertrain and running gear and other bits, or you could do as I did and buy a second hand car (mine cost just four hundred quid). If you've any qestions please email me at or use the email address on the website to email Tim Holt

Alan B - 27/8/02 at 02:06 PM

This is a shameless plug for the stockcar racing I have recently begun doing, though I'm sure it will appeal to some of you Locosters........

No problem IMO.
It's about cars, having fun and spending little

David Jenkins - 28/8/02 at 07:39 AM

That looks like a whole heap of big fun!

I always thought that the Reliant mechanicals were under-rated by the kit car fraternity. I believe that there's only 1 kit car available that uses that donor. They're very light, with a surprising amount of go for a little engine.

They would be ideal for a "junior Locost"!