Well bit of an update, I started out building a 318is engined GKD legend but got hooked by a blade engined car. So now I'm using an R1 engine.
GKD legend R1 build
Looks great.
Love the 1 piece tunnel top you've got a huge range of cheap diffs to suit the r1 motor too.
it looks very good lots of graft has gone in to it tunnel looks good
I wouldn't get too far along the tunnel until wiring is completed. You'll want to get in there a few times in future.
Originally posted by RK
I wouldn't get too far along the tunnel until wiring is completed. You'll want to get in there a few times in future.
My sides are velcroed on, and the top, being an MK, just sits there, as do the Cateringvans'. Yours (as nice as it is!) looks like it will be using rivnuts, self tappers or rivets.
Originally posted by sdh2903
Originally posted by RK
I wouldn't get too far along the tunnel until wiring is completed. You'll want to get in there a few times in future.
Tunnel is back off now, cautiously waiting my first attempt at vinyl wrapping
Wont be back on till near complete me thinks.
Originally posted by RK
My sides are velcroed on, and the top, being an MK, just sits there, as do the Cateringvans'. Yours (as nice as it is!) looks like it will be using rivnuts, self tappers or rivets.