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Velcro, I can't make it work!!
bitsilly - 9/10/10 at 11:53 AM

I have seen a few excellent applications for using velcro to mount things like breather bottles and things that need moving.

But the only stuff I can ever find is always self adhesive backed, and the adhesive is never as strong as the velcro. Result is the velcro always pulls the glue off.

So is there any stuff without adhesive, so I can use my own glue, or self adhesive stuff that is not stronger than it's adhesive (ie works properly)?

Or what is the trick??


Ben_Copeland - 9/10/10 at 11:56 AM

What about putting your own glue on the self adhesive one?

eznfrank - 9/10/10 at 12:06 PM

The trick is to roughen up the surface a bit first and get it fairly warm along with the surface to be stuck to. I imagine on a day like today it would harldy stick at all if done in the garage.

All my interior panels are velcroed on and are fine

Dangle_kt - 9/10/10 at 12:08 PM

There is heavy duty stuff specifically designed for use where it needs to be more firmly held.

I have used it to hold the milton boot cover in place - works a treat.

The adhesive needs a decent length to be able to stick firm enough.

bitsilly - 9/10/10 at 12:17 PM

Have always roughened the surface and cleaned with slovent, but will now try heat, cheers
Had thought of gluing it anyway, but would have to remove the old adhesive first which was always in a mess following my failures!

bi22le - 9/10/10 at 05:00 PM

Use sticky velcro everyday at work.

As said, surface needs to be clean mainly. I dont often ruff it up. A smooth surface works well enough. Heat will help things.

Good luck

JoelP - 9/10/10 at 05:13 PM

how about a couple of discrete cable ties over the pad once its stuck down? Would keep it on and the velcro would stick around it just fine.

bitsilly - 9/10/10 at 05:29 PM

Cracking idea!