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Curborough 10/10
phelpsa - 11/10/10 at 03:25 PM

Had an excellent day at Curborough yesterday! Weather was beautiful, car was running well etc.

Set myself a target of under 35 seconds, which was what most of the seven style cars were doing. Was going to be a challenge but you've got to have something to aim for!

First run was a mid 38 but the car was suffering with a LOT of understeer (my dad actually understeered off!). Dropped the front tyre pressures to 15psi from 16 and the next run was a low 37. It was feeling a little bit unsettled under braking so dropped the brake bias back a bit, dropped the front pressures a little more. Managed a high 35 on the last practice run but the car was feeling much better although still verging on understeer.

The first competitive run felt really good, was getting a bit more confident with the 'rear steer' of RWD cars (only my second event in one!) but a poor start and short shifting into 5th on the finishing straight meant I only managed a 35.52.

Final run felt pretty similar but I managed to piece the start together nicely as well, budging me just under my target to 34.92

Here's the video of my final run:

Ohhh and also got the car logbooked with only a couple of very minor issues to sort. The scrutineer complimented the car saying it was one of the best put together cars he'd seen in a while

[Edited on 11-10-10 by phelpsa]

CNHSS1 - 11/10/10 at 04:21 PM

that was pretty good for a first time at Cur-bog-horror

at the first sweeper, aim to hit the last red cone and basically you wont, but its gives a lovely arc line into the next apex (which you hit nicely)
Fradley hairpin is taken a bit like Quarry at Castle combe if you know it, stay out left very very late, almost pass the corner, and then take a late apex past the natural apex. Gives a better run over the line.
34.92 is v.good time, especially as track often fades on last run of the day at this time of the year.
Double lappers are even more fun if you get the chance next season

lsdweb - 11/10/10 at 05:58 PM

I did it last year for the first time, in the Saxo. I was first car on the road and missed the sweeping left hander all together and went the wrong way up the straight :-) . I felt a bit of a t*t but wasn't alone!

It's a long drive for me from West Wales but worth it - couldn't do it last week as I'm recovering from a small op that would prevent me from wearing crutch straps!


minitici - 11/10/10 at 06:27 PM

Looked like fun
I have only spectated at Curborough once.

Is your GSXR an oil cooled or a WP?

I am thinking of fitting my GSXR1100 K (1127cc oil cooled) into my GTM coupe.
Just need to get hold of a set of 40mm Mikunis and a big oil radiator and I should be set to go.

I had some fun with the Scrutineers with the log book for my 1937 Austin Seven Special - It ended up as a Sports Libre sports racing car but with period waivers for about every non-fitted feature.........

[Edited on 11/10/10 by minitici]